Sentences with phrase «qualitative data involves»

Analyzing qualitative data involves an understanding of inductive and / or theoretical (deductive) coding, pattern matching, and the use of qualitative analysis software.

Not exact matches

Rule 1: You Can't Make Them Up Rule 2: Don't Confuse a Buyer Persona with a Customer Profile Rule 3: Get the Right People with the Right Attributes and the Right Skills Involved Rule 4: Buyer Personas Are a Translation of Goals Rule 5: A Buyer Persona Offers Insight into the Unarticulated and the No - So - Obvious Rule 6: Buyer Persona Development is Not a Quantitative Process Rule 7: Avoid Building a Wire Mesh of Data Points When Developing Buyer Personas Rule 8: Goal - Centered Qualitative and Experiential Analysis is the Foundation of Buyer Persona Development Rule 9: The Purpose of the Buyer Persona Development Process is to Inform on Goal - Centered Customer Strategies Rule 10: Buyer Persona Development Serves as a Communications Platform to Tell the Story of Customers and Buyers
This work, with the assistance of soil scientists at the University of KwaZulu - Natal, has involved a suite of techniques, including x-ray fluorescence (to provide quantitative data on minor and trace element composition), x-ray diffraction (to reveal crystal structure and parent rock types of paint ingredients), and environmental scanning electron microscopy (to yield qualitative data on elements present).
These supports include additional funding of $ 20,000 per school (up to a maximum of $ 170,000 per district) for superintendent and principal mentoring and monitoring; $ 15,000 for teacher release time for job - embedded professional learning; 2 provincial professional learning sessions for principal and teacher teams from all schools involved; and Ministry developed documents, resources and facilitation, including tracking templates for the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data.
Change should be informed by best practices and research, local data, and qualitative understanding of the people involved.
Using a mixed methods approach, the report draws from both quantitative and qualitative data as it describes the roles of the partner organizations involved, the hiring process of coaches and their training, the initial implementation of the initiative in schools across the state, the successes and challenges from Year One, and discusses lessons and recommendations for Year Two.
The grounded theory approach involves systematic review of qualitative data to allow novel ideas and theories to emerge from the observations rather than imposing existing theory or conceptual models to arrive at, or interpret, results.
Nguyen's responsibilities involve qualitative and quantitative data collection and project management support and coordination.
Secondly, four focus groups involving 27 community participants provided qualitative data.
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