Sentences with phrase «qualitative studies using»

Children's experiences of living with a parent with mental illness: A systematic review of qualitative studies using thematic analysis.
Elisabet Fält et al., Exploring Nurses», Preschool Teachers» and Parents» Perspectives on Information Sharing Using SDQ in a Swedish Setting — A Qualitative Study Using Grounded Theory, PLOS ONE, 11th January 2016,
Isolated thoughts and feelings and unsolved concerns: adolescents» and parents» perspectives on living with type 1 diabetes - a qualitative study using visual storytelling.

Not exact matches

Evaluation Added February 2018: Freire WB, Waters WF, Rivas - Mariño G, Nguyen T, & Rivas P (2017) A qualitative study of consumer perceptions and use of traffic light food labelling in Ecuador.
We use qualitative case studies to analyze from a psychological perspective what people can't admit to others or even themselves.
Meta - analysis and qualitative synthesis were used to summarise included studies.
This study used a qualitative, descriptive approach to explore how women develop their initial birth plan and how changes made to the plan affect overall birth experiences.
A formative study using participatory action research design will first be conducted, followed by a cluster - randomised trial utilising both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods.
Focussing on the past decade, and systematically studying press output from across six European countries (UK, France, Poland, Spain, Italy and Germany), this project uses advanced methods of qualitative content analysis and quantitative discourse analysis to understand patterns of European memory, the way the discourse is expressed and by whom, and how it has changed over time.
The ICM study used a panel of 100 floating voters, so while it was much larger than a traditional focus group, it was still more of a qualitative poll than a quantative one.
This Childhood Stress study, led by Chilton with several Drexel graduates in the School of Public Health, used both quantitative and qualitative methods to gather information about 31 Philadelphia mothers» experience with deprivation, abuse, violence and neglect, as well as their experiences with hunger, education and employment and more.
The study is unique in an international context where qualitative studies of medical doctors» substance use disorders are merely non-existent.
On the basis of their case study, the team reports that, «The quantitative and qualitative findings of this study revealed that adults are receptive to using
«Up until recently, the methods used to study virus - microbe interactions were often qualitative,» said Sullivan.
«Up until recently, the methods used to study virus - microbe interactions were often qualitative,» Sullivan said.
Use of qualitative and quantitative methods to define behavioral fat - reduction strategies and their relationship to dietary fat reduction in the Patterns of Dietary Change Study
They are consistent with the result of a previous study done by the Intercultural Institute, using qualitative methods on participants in a project involving cooperation between Roma and non-Roma young people.
Recently, Whitney received a $ 10,000 Fred Rogers Memorial Scholarship — a tribute to the beloved late star of PBS» Mister Rogers» Neighborhood — from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Foundation to help fund her dissertation, a qualitative study of 12 families with preschool - aged children that will focus on parents» beliefs and practices with educational digital toys and games designed for home use.
The study of research is a qualitative research by using purposive sampling to select 10 volunteers who have unwanted pregnancy mother is 13 - 21 years old and they have to take care their children is newborn to 2 years old from Phichit province in Thailand.
As more research is conducted in more regions and countries, amongst a wider array of cultures and amongst those who are and those who are not religious, using a meaningful qualitative approach combined with quantitative studies will help the field become increasingly nuanced and rich.
[9] While some have questioned the generalizability of the ECLS - K results due to sampling, [10] the qualitative result has been replicated using the National Assessment of Educational Progress (the 2017 Morgan et al. study), the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002, [11] and the ECLS - Birth Costudy), the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002, [11] and the ECLS - Birth CoStudy of 2002, [11] and the ECLS - Birth Cohort.
One qualitative study suggests that using student blogs to post student work for weekly critiques, regular journals, and structured debates resulted in student excitement and dialogue (Light and Polin, 2010).
This study will be qualitative in nature, using interviews and focus groups as the primary research methods.
This is a qualitative study that used a collective case study design (Stake, 1995) to examine the question, How does engaging in a new literacies course support teachers» efforts to implement technology with students?
We used a qualitative case study design with content analysis methods to describe and compare the percentages of the CCSS and of the former New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJCCCS) in English language arts and math that require students to demonstrate strategic and / or creative thinking.
This qualitative research study is an exploration of the merit and shortcomings of using a combination of the music software GarageBand ™ and an electronic bulletin board to facilitate musical and peer learning in a 3 - month elementary music methods curriculum and instruction course.
The qualitative case study presented in this article used Indigenous Postcolonial Theory as a lens to explore the process and outcomes of a partnership between Indigenous community members and a teacher preparation program.
The study used qualitative methods as well as quantitative methods to collect data.
The researchers use a meta - ethnography to synthesize qualitative data from multiple studies focusing on technology training for preservice teachers to make new interpretations of the data.
In particular, this study examines the relationship between arts learning and creative thinking, academic self - concept, and school climate using both quantitative and qualitative methods.
We conduct rigorous research and evaluation studies using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods that inform education policy, promote equity, and improve student outcomes.
Study of the Voluntary Public School Choice Program: Interim Report (2007) uses a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods to measure the progress VPSC sites have made in meeting the program's legislative goals to: 1) maximize choice, 2) encourage students to transfer to higher achieving schools, and 3) promote interdistrict transfers.
These studies, most examining only a small number of teachers and employing qualitative methods, paint a picture of the barriers and benefits of using digital primary sources by social studies teachers.
The evaluation used a quasi-experimental methodology consisting of both quantitative and qualitative methods studying participation and non-participation in the 20 - week LTA program.
A qualitative study found that this approach appeared to (a) promote the use of multirepresentational fluency in problem solving approaches used among preservice teachers, (b) change preservice teachers» perceptions of what it means for a student to understand a concept, and (c) change the nature of evaluations that preservice teachers felt were appropriate for high school students.
The Study of the Voluntary Public School Choice (VPSC) Program: Final Report (2008) uses a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods to measure the progress VPSC sites have made in meeting the program's legislative goals to: 1) maximize choice, 2) encourage students to transfer to higher achieving schools, and 3) promote interdistrict transfers.
i.e.: inquiry in education IAFOR Journal of Education IAFOR Journal of Language Learning ICHPER - SD Journal of Research IEEE Transactions on Education IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Improving Schools Independent School Industry and Higher Education Infant and Child Development Infants and Young Children Informatics in Education Information Research: An International Electronic Journal Information Systems Education Journal Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching Innovations in Education and Teaching International Innovative Higher Education InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching Insights into Learning Disabilities Instructional Science: An International Journal of the Learning Sciences Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Interactive Learning Environments Interactive Technology and Smart Education Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education Intercultural Education Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem - based Learning International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives International Education Studies International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education International Journal for Academic Development International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning International Journal for Research in Learning Disabilities International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning International Journal for Transformative Research International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology International Journal of Art & Design Education International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education International Journal of Behavioral Development International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism International Journal of Christianity & Education International Journal of Computer - Supported Collaborative Learning International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning International Journal of Developmental Science International Journal of Disability, Development and Education International Journal of Distance Education Technologies International Journal of Early Childhood International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education International Journal of Early Years Education International Journal of Education & the Arts International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation International Journal of Educational Management International Journal of Educational Methodology International Journal of Educational Psychology International Journal of Educational Reform International Journal of Educational Technology International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education International Journal of Emotional Education International Journal of English Studies International Journal of ePortfolio International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education International Journal of Game - Based Learning International Journal of Higher Education International Journal of Inclusive Education International Journal of Information and Communication International Journal of Information and Learning Technology International Journal of Instruction International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders International Journal of Leadership in Education International Journal of Learning and Change International Journal of Lifelong Education International Journal of Listening International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning International Journal of Multicultural Education International Journal of Multilingualism International Journal of Music Education International Journal of Progressive Education International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education International Journal of Research & Method in Education International Journal of Research in Education and Science International Journal of School & Educational Psychology International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education International Journal of Science Education International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement International Journal of Social Research Methodology International Journal of Special Education International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education International Journal of Teacher Leadership International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education International Journal of Technology and Design Education International Journal of Testing International Journal of Training and Development International Journal of Training Research International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments International Journal of Web - Based Learning and Teaching Technologies International Journal of Whole Schooling International Journal of Work - Integrated Learning International Journal on E-Learning International Multilingual Research Journal International Research and Review International Research in Early Childhood Education International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education International Review of Education International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning International Studies in Catholic Education International Studies in Sociology of Education Intervention in School and Clinic Investigations in Mathematics Learning Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research Irish Educational Studies Issues in Educational Research Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship Issues in Teacher Education Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers
Qualitative studies show that the schools» use of the Success Highways paradigm provided a more personalized learning environment and providing a self efficacy framework for academic ownership.
This study used a qualitative approach that included small - group interviews and classroom observations.
This qualitative exploratory study describes both teacher preparation for and interdisciplinary middle grades teachers» use of common planning time (CPT).
Auerbach's qualitative study of four urban «exemplar» school administrators who actively pursued family and community engagement as part of their commitment to socially just leadership details practices used to build bridges to disenfranchised Latino communities.
To determine the effectiveness of the resources and approach to developing preservice teachers» knowledge of students and content as well as their habits of mind in using the resources, the study included quantitative and qualitative data.
An understanding of the qualitative research principles, the dynamics associated with diversity and change and the need to study problems that are relevant in real settings while systematically inquiring, making hypotheses and testing these hypotheses; use as a vehicle for empowering teachers and learners.
From the foundation of inclusive practice, this article will describe how a qualitative study was used to understand the changing roles and responsibilities of special educators.
Sometimes that is accomplished through straightforward evaluation using qualitative and quantitative strategies, and sometimes it calls for experimental studies.
This approach, as discussed by Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2006), is advantageous when both quantitative and qualitative data a + re used in a single study.
Using a multiple methods approach, this study critically analyzed retrospective quantitative and qualitative data to better comprehend and understand the evidence collected from four teachers whose contracts were not renewed in the summer of 2011, in part given their low SAS ® EVAAS ® scores.
Showing, Not Telling: Using Video Records of Practice to Support Preservice English Teachers» Enactments This session addressed results from a qualitative study of one higher - impact English teacher working in a minority urban public school and how to help candidates develop similar instructional practices.
This qualitative study explored how and why two ELA teachers used different technologies in the secondary English classroom to plan for and deliver instruction.
SPR conducts these studies using rigorous quantitative and qualitative methods to surface effective practices, lessons learned, and challenges.
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