Sentences with phrase «qualities her parents like»

She is also precocious, curious, and fearless, qualities her parents like to attribute to her unusual chromosomes.

Not exact matches

MacLellan goes on to quote the researchers: «Everyday activities (like household chores or running errands) may afford families quality moments, unplanned, unstructured instances of social interaction that serve the important relationship - building functions that parents seek from «quality time».»
An era when many parents turned their children over to subminimum - wage workers by day, and told them stories like The Giving Tree during «quality time» at night.
By staying abreast of issues impacting access to high - quality education like accessible and timely school reports for parents, we can discover specific ways our churches can help to support their local schools.
When you have access to smart resources and parenting advice, you're more likely to spend wisely and have money left over for the important things, like quality time with your kids and, hopefully, 529 accounts.
Rather than promoting positive qualities (like verbal skills), poor parents tend to let children go their own way and then use harsh punishment when they get into trouble.
(And apparently, parents are generally quite bad at recognising what «quality» early childhood education looks like.)
This isn't to say I'd be thrilled to join other pumping moms in a communal Mothers» Room, but if work culture continues to skimp on providing supportive environments for raising a healthy family, including flex time, paid leave, subsidized quality care and just the basic humanity that allows us to see each other as more than just workers boosting a bottom line, I'd take the company of other moms like me so I wouldn't feel so alone as a working parent.
A panel of parents like you evaluate each product for key attributes - safety, ease of use, and overall quality - and offer the best of the best for you and your little one.
Most parents love their kids, and would like to spend more quality time with them.
If it's a change in pattern then I would hold off, because that's indication that something else is going on, whether it be that the toddler is on the cusp of a huge developmental milestone, like learning to talk or teething or fighting illness or trying to find quality time with the parent who has recently returned to work.
I aimed to have only quality toys, nothing that makes noise and lights up as a primary function but a combination of my marketplace loving mother in law and realities of being a parent took over and now my house looks like a day car centre.
Bamboo Diapers seem to be very trendy amongst parents because of it's many natural qualities, like the fact that it's antibacterial, breathable, hypoallergenic, and many more.
Evidence shows that most new dads would like to spend lots of quality time with their families in the weeks after childbirth, and take a full part in the early trials of parenting.
Although many parents are happy with the quality of this toddler trampoline with net, some others find it unstable enough and some materials like the net and the handle bar padding isn't durable either.
In other words, 1) the level of the parents» skill seems to have a greater effect on the child's development than anything else, 2) higher quality child care leads to high vocabulary scores and 3) the more time a child spends in childcare, the more likely she is to misbehave or resort to behaviors like biting or hitting.
I would like to give a positive conclusion to this «Peg Perego Uno Stroller review» as it has all the features which can satisfied the parents as well as their kids.there are some features which are missing as compare to other stroller but apart from that looking at the brighter side you can easily afford & invest into this durable high quality stroller.
All the children interviewed said that the most difficult aspect of having gay parents in a conservative state like Utah has nothing to do with the quality of parental support.
Family, friends, resources like parenting groups and quality childcare are all available for mothers with busy lives.
Parents who use this product like the clear image quality.
The sound quality and volume are the feature parents say they like the most.
Smart, high - quality design like skip * hop is always a good investment for parents.
The Britax B - Safe 35 Infant Car Seat is a favorite with parents who like its attractive design and high quality safety features.
Like other Britax seats, the lack of accessories has been a sore point for some parents, but if you're happy with a quality seat with few bells and whistles, this one is a great option.
Teachers know that their job is to deal with the child who walks through the door no matter what he brings, but if they were able to write a list of qualities they'd like parents to develop in their child, this would be it:
Live Clean makes it easy for parents like us to purchase quality baby products at an inexpensive price.
Because of this, trustworthy agencies like Surrogate Parenting Services have earned a reputation for providing quality services, while protecting the rights of surrogates and intended parents alike.
Like psychologist and author Madeline Levine, whose recent book Teach Your Children Well instructs otherwise well - intended parents to value character ahead of achievement, Tough finds evidence that children of the well - off are often denied the hard life experiences that would allow them to develop the qualities that breed success.
That's why I recommend all Parents to Purchase Best Quality Brand like — Belecoo.
A team of researchers from Iowa State University found that though a legacy of divorce is a significant and challenging factor, there are other factors involved, like the quality of the one - on - one relationships with their parents after the divorce.
But the reality is that there are many things that would affect that other than just individual parenting skills — like a long line of trickle - down societal expectations; the way kids are treated at school; not to mention a high - quality, state - funded daycare system that most parents choose over staying at home permanently with their children.
The Institute supports efforts to improve the current system, especially through the expansion of QUALITYstarsNYC, as a tool to help parents understand what good quality early childhood education should look like, from best practices and teacher education standards to enriching classrooms and play spaces.
They suggest their observation could indicate that being a parent in a country with a strong welfare system, paid parental leave and high - quality childcare has different implications for parental mental health compared to the situation in a country like the United States.
With Pixar's otherwise speckless track record, the «Cars» films have been like a roller coaster in quality outside of it helping kids get their parents to buy Lightning McQueen backpacks and beach towels.
«I really don't think race, gender, and this stuff is as big a factor as people want it to be,» says Amirpour, who was inspired to cloak her vampire in a chador after traveling from Los Angeles to her parents» native Iran and admiring the garment's bat - like quality.
In polls, parents and community members generally support reforms like school choice, charter schools, and improved teacher quality.
Stories like this have driven Waldo since his post-college job teaching English and improvisational acting to inner - city students in Providence, R.I. «It's incredibly powerful to see the kinds of sacrifices that parents and children are willing to make to get a quality education,» he says.
Not surprisingly, perhaps, McCain liked this early schooling «for the very quality that caused my parents to despair — its informality.»
* Though many parents seem content to cram knowledge and higher test scores into their kids as rapidly as possible, educators and policymakers in the «gifted» world are paying more attention to nurturing qualities like «creativity» and «independent research» in high - ability youngsters.
First, a centralized and muscular system of quality control, like PM, that is only established in urban districts clearly communicates to minority communities a lack of trust in their ability to judge quality as parents or even to judge it as decentralized charter authorizers.
Whether we like it or not, it appears that more and more schools will become «married» as part of a Multi Academy Trust in the years ahead; leaving behind their relative independence (and the varying quality of parenting provided by different Local Authorities) in order to enter into an often polygamous lifelong partnership with other schools.
A lack of specificity about the quality of the boy's work — as well as «quite a lot of comments like pleasant and co-operative and so on» — meant the parents were left feeling that the report was vague at best.
Kids like our products because they are fun, but parents also appreciate their educational qualities.
For instance, in EEOS, school quality is measured by variables like teachers» years of experience that are much coarser (and different) than what a parent observes when she interacts with her child's teacher, principal, and school.
Parents value the strength of offerings like teacher quality, math programs, class size, sports teams, and modern technology.
And then there are charter schools that are a welcome breath of fresh air to parents who, perhaps like me not too long ago, can only afford to live in neighborhoods where the traditional schools in that community are not of the highest quality, but desire a high level of education, nonetheless, for their child (ren).
«It is important that we empower parents like Pamela and Kalyne with more high quality educational options, and protect their right to choose their child's school,» Duplessis added.
Like the Americans who were worried that the quality of their health care would drop on January 1, 2014, many parents of smart kids with good grades were afraid that the quality of their children's education would drop, too.
And then there are charter schools that are a welcome breath of fresh air to parents who, perhaps like me not too long ago, can only afford to live in neighborhoods where the traditional schools in that community are not of the highest quality, but desire a high level of education, nonetheless, for their children.
Academics aren't always on the top of the list when parents choose a school and — even when they are — parents don't always know what quality looks like.
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