Sentences with phrase «qualities you want associated»

• What are the most important attributes or qualities you want associated with you?

Not exact matches

The trend toward vertical integration — control from the raw material to the shop shelf — gives luxury brands a competitive advantage, raises barriers to entry and helps them defend the high - quality image they want associated with their products.
«In our community, our name is associated with quality, and I don't want that to end,» Lupo says.
If you've never used their honey before, you'd want to confirm if it has the QUALITY and PURITY associated with real, authentic manuka honey before investing in it.
Who wouldn't want their son growing up to be associated with these qualities?
«Patients, technologists and radiologists want the best quality X-rays at the lowest dose possible without repeating images,» said Steven Don, M.D., associate professor of radiology at Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo. «This technology is a tool to help achieve that goal.
If you've never used their honey before, you'd want to confirm if it has the QUALITY and PURITY associated with real, authentic manuka honey before investing in it.
The researchers then wanted to know if alternate nostril breathing could still lower blood pressure while improving performance on a vigilance test that required sustained attention and alertness, qualities that are generally associated with increased sympathetic nervous system activity (including heart rate and blood pressure).
«What people say they want in a mate and what qualities they actually seek don't tend to correspond,» said Coye Cheshire, an associate professor at the School of Information at Berkeley who has studied this with Mr. Fiore, Professor Mendelsohn and Lindsay Shaw Taylor, a member of the school's self, identity and relationships lab.
Some of the complication and pain comes from people who don't want the school shut down for reasons not associated with the school's educational quality.
The National Association of School Nurses wants to help alert officials and remedy problems associated with poor indoor air quality, noting that it is considered among the top public environmental health risks.
If yours is truly an organization that cares about the quality of life and education for ALL Connecticut students, I would think you'd want to see a balance in funding so no matter what district or school a child is in, they get the benefit of being able to succeed, not just the kids of the parents associated with your organization.
Indie publishers know their name is their brand, and they want their name associated with a quality product.
I'm wondering what the options are for people who want to self - publish but also maintain the quality associated with traditional publishing.
And that's really why I do a lot more involvement with my authors than other writers because I don't want really low - quality works being associated with my world or my name.
«Thank you and I encourage every guest to respond again and again because our associates genuinely want to continue provide quality service you deserve.»
It is much better to show or demonstrate a quality that you want to be associated with your law firm than to simply talk about it.
Can this model work for large law firms and help them retain associates who want a better quality of life?
But while an attorney might do this off the record, he might not want his name associated with the pro se's filing, which may not match the quality of the attorney's usual, for - fee work.
Gibson Dunn is everything you'd want from a firm, at least relative to its peers in Biglaw: everyone is really friendly and easy to work with, the work is interesting and substantive (I've been here 4 months and I've gotten to write 2 motions and a section of a brief), the quality of work here is excellent (you really can trust anyone here with anything), it's flexible in terms of hours and working at home, and the pay is competitive (even starting associates got stub bonuses).
NPD's results are coupled with the statement that if competing companies want to make a dent in Apple's hold on the market, they'll need «some differentiation in features, sound quality, or associated services.»
Mediators of Louise Phipps Senft & Associates / Baltimore Mediation help people identify the issues they want to discuss from the past, present and future and, where necessary, to gather relevant information for quality financial and property decision making such as budgets, business records, tax returns, property valuations, prices and costs of alternate places to live or work, mental health information and financial, legal or other guidance from any outside sources chosen.
As a result, «we've seen a few instances where people are once again lining up to buy new homes because they want quality — higher ceilings, wireless homes, custom finishes,» says Ivy Zelman, chief executive of research firm Zelman & Associates.
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