Sentences with phrase «quality about someone»

I can list many great qualities about myself, but I would much rather talk to you one on one.
Another good quality about this topper is its ability to retain its shape over the years.
The A3 had plenty of redeeming qualities about it, so click on down to continue reading.
When things are going too quickly you miss a lot of important qualities about the person, worst of all you ignore red flags.
There really isn't much more negative qualities about the gameplay itself.
Someone who is a true book lover has some very unique qualities about them.
There's just a sweet and endearing quality about her that makes me feel like we're friends.
I have to try to be of the same quality about content articles as you, and it's not too personalized cup of tea.
Your photos are so gorgeous, such an ethereal, dream like quality about them and you look so beautiful!
You can do list fun and interesting qualities about yourself in your personal dating profile, it's important to give details about hobbies, talents and interests as well.
Whether you write down your favorite qualities about yourself or take sometime for some self - care.
Most, if not all, of my vintage finds have a timeless quality about them.
For the «stream of influence» in this case has a specific quality about it.
One seems generic while the other expresses important distinctive qualities about the brand.
There are so many amazing qualities about the series that go so unnoticed.
There is a timeless and classic quality about it that is truly impressive.
In fact, tattoos indicate many wonderful qualities about a person, particularly in the.
I enjoyed the film but I did feel like it had too much a TV movie quality about it.
Remember to include qualities about your ideal sex dating partner without being too specific, unless necessary.
I feel it is getting worse & worse for quality about tracking - dust - holding odors.
But there are so many great performance qualities about their records.
I asked him to describe three negative character qualities about himself.
Despite their rather simple meanings, both these names have pleasing quality about them and would be a wonderful choice for your new bundles of joy.
It wasn't until I honestly allowed myself to believe more positive, life - affirming qualities about myself that I was able to follow through with my weight loss and many other challenges.
The prints have a similar quality about them (although the colors are quite different) so I was skeptical if it would be too much of the same.
It also doesn't hurt that this particular dress comes with a gorgeous floral print and a bit of a saloon quality about her — stick»em up!
I've mentioned it before, but one of the redeeming qualities about winter to me is that I'm not as on the go.
A particular quality about me is having a masculine voice / having a soft voice (of a quiet spirit).
List interesting and true qualities about yourself in your personal profile.
The acting is so - so, but there's an enjoyable quality about this film that makes it a must see for genre fans.
Has a mysterious quality about him, lonely and without friends.
Several qualities about our vehicle dealership separate us from the competition.
One of the top qualities about our custom essay service is that we just join you with very effective, qualified, and capable exposition authors.
The most striking quality about these cats is the eyes which are intensely blue.
That's particularly nice, because the stadium locales themselves don't have any real distinct qualities about them.
There is a minimalist quality about the Chinese photographer's work that brings together the elegance of nature and the girls.
But the academic literature has become overly focused on comparing learning curves for different energy technologies, often in an attempt to divine intrinsic economic qualities about different technologies.
These details showcase qualities about you that your professional skills don't.
Your credibility is the most important single quality about you in terms of getting recommendations and referrals from your contacts.
It is rich and striking and yet seems to have a neutral quality about it too.
This shade has a very clean and crisp quality about it and casts a beautiful ambient glow when light is shining through.
In my head, this is the best quality about a lip liner.
For Formal Letter Example, you can include positive qualities about them based on their behavior in work environment.
It's hard to say what my favorite brand is because they all have unique qualities about them that I like to add to my wardrobe.
You'll discover the same qualities about our mirrors — we believe they are an opportunity to reflect your unique style and have the power to slide sophistication across your home.
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