Sentences with phrase «quality classroom instruction»

The Challenge called for the creation of more after - school, weekend, and summer learning opportunities to supplement quality classroom instruction in reading.
With high quality classroom instruction and behind - the - wheel practice, we will prepare you to become a safe and responsible driver.
To get traction as a system for increased student learning, school and district leaders must know what quality classroom instruction looks like so that they can lead and support this work.
These videos are designed to help school districts facilitate the development of a common language and vision around high - quality classroom instruction using their instructional framework as the lens.
The combination of quality classroom instruction and systematic intervention positively effected reading skills of at - risk students
With best quality classroom instruction and behind - the - wheel practice Excel in Driving will prepare you to become a safe and responsible driver.
In the recent national report, Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children, a National Academy of Science Committee concluded that «quality classroom instruction in kindergarten and the primary grades is the single best weapon against reading failure» (Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998).
The theory of action shaping this investigation is based on the belief that high quality instructional leadership and high quality classroom instruction are linked, and together they impact students «learning.
They see this effort as the best opportunity in history to develop a high - quality assessment system that helps move the needle on student achievement and supports high - quality classroom instruction.
Without a clear set of measurable standards, there can not be quality classroom instruction.
A shout - out to Brooke's high - quality classroom instruction in a recent blog post by John Maycock at the Achievement Network!
Ritz says Bennett took Indiana «in the wrong direction» when it came to quality classroom instruction, an argument that resonated with educators dissatisfied with high stakes testing and teacher evaluations.
High quality classroom instruction.
Creating and utilizing equitable discipline practices which allow each student access to quality classroom instruction and educational opportunities is critical.
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