Sentences with phrase «quality cover design»

Our high quality cover designs stand out in a sea of books and make readers want to learn more about what's inside.
Unlike the saying, books do get judged by their cover so top quality cover design is important for your book.
Browse our selection of affordable, high quality cover designs, add one to your cart, and check out.
And you can get a high - quality cover design for as low as $ 99 on sites like this one where my three covers were designed — or even lower if you choose a pre-made cover.
I'll set aside the intricacies of self publishing and traditional publishing in this post — just to say that I have already stated that any divide between them is part of the grand illusion — professional work (including quality cover design, editing, proofing etc) is the key to professional production.
Nonetheless, coming to terms with the reality that self - published books are aplenty, certain disappointments like poor quality cover design may prevail.
They decide that they can't afford to have the book proofread, or have a high - quality cover design made for them.
And you can get a high - quality cover design for as low as $ 99 on sites like this one where I got my two covers, or even lower if you choose a pre-made cover.
I'm about ready to launch a package of DIY book cover templates in MS word, to give indie authors and affordable options for high quality cover design.
We offer top - quality cover design, beautifully designed and typeset interiors, manuscript editing, indexing, title consulting, and expert self - publishing advice.
From low - quality cover design and lack of editing to unreasonable pricing and an absent marketing plan, at least 90 % of the authors I encountered made some major mistakes.
The majority of the book focuses on topics related to publishing printed books, but there's definitely information useful to e-book-only authors, too — including the importance of high - quality cover design.
We've recommended 99designs in the past for affordable, quality cover design, but Joanna points out that the site is also a great resource for custom illustrations!
With «Kindle Cover Templates, 2.0,» you gain access to 20 fresh, professionally designed templates that you can use over and over again to create high - quality cover designs for ALL your Kindle (or other e-book) projects.
But the best ones are paying for editing, and they're paying for quality cover design and quality book design.
If this is not the avenue you want to take, hire a professional to create a quality cover design for you.
It's fairly affordable to hire out quality cover design and editing for a full - length novel, but can be quite expensive to buy several covers for short pieces or have several short works edited.
Even with no specific graphics to work from, there are still steps to producing a quality cover design.
It was an interesting experience, both in seeing the quality of what's out there, and becoming more familiar with my own guidelines for quality cover design.
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