Sentences with phrase «quality education for our students means»

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Their analysis suggests that «from the perspective of US science education and innovation policy, visa restrictions for foreign students should not be applied uniformly or on the basis of financial means; they ought to account for student - quality differences.»
Online education doesn't have the same need for physical space and accessibility, which means the barrier to entry is much reduced and that — as any economy student knows — means there will be more competition on price and quality.
promote the establishment, maintenance, and expansion of high quality bilingual education programs for students of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds as a means to ensure equitable and enriched educational opportunities for all students;
The real questions in Arizona public education today involve how we will best utilize scarce resources in order to provide a quality education for EVERY student; the most effective ways to replicate successful, innovative schools; and the fastest means to develop these schools in the neighborhoods where they are needed most.
While some see that as an advantage, the fact that there are no curricular standards means that some schools can cheat students out of receiving high quality educations that prepare them for college or careers.
We, and when I say «we» I mean all shareholders in Kentucky, have a moral obligation to develop a system that represents a quality education for all students.
Achieving this LCFF funding goal was never intended to mean that an adequate level of financial support needed to deliver a quality education for California's K - 12 students had been provided.
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