Sentences with phrase «quality engagement activities»

In 2018 The Hepworth Wakefield will work with Year 5 students from five primary schools on a programme of high - quality engagement activities.

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The engineers and technicians of tomorrow will be encouraged by high quality STEM teaching in schools and colleges, monitored by Ofsted to ensure it includes practical activities, clear engagement and exposure to real - world problems.
They do this by targeting members with tailored and relevant content, encouraging member activity, increased engagement and enriching database quality
Our findings also suggest teachers can not rely on a fixed positive «set - point» of motivation and engagement among their students as a buffer for poor quality instruction and activity.
With regards to the first major finding, if motivation and engagement varies through the day, this underscores the importance of quality instruction, assessment, activity, interaction, and student management.
«ESSA will directly impact our students» outcomes and this policy gives us the opportunity to think critically about what it means to truly have a high - quality education, where we look beyond test scores to data on student growth, wellness, attendance, engagement and access to enrichment activities,» said Clare Foley, a fifth - grade teacher at Richard R. Green Central Park School in Minneapolis.
Featuring concrete, hands - on activities that can be completed efficiently at the start of a unit, lesson, or topic, Activators help to: • Increase engagement in learning • Support a well - paced lesson • Generate connections to prior knowledge • Provide students with opportunities to practice skills and deepen understandings • Support formative assessment Although Activators have different formats, they all share two key components: individual think time and purposeful social interaction, which support students to develop quality responses to content and ideas while engaging with peers.
Composing and Coordinating daily activities to promote social engagement and enhance one's quality of life.
Family engagement activities that emphasize quality contacts, reflective listening, strengths - based language, and enhanced parent and sibling connection and visiting
The newly formed Coalition for Community Schools ( identifies five areas of attention for program and service development in community schools (Coalition for Community Schools, 2000): quality educational services, youth development programs, family support activities, family and community engagement, and community development.
One study designed to understand why reunifications fail identified the following case activities as essential parts of the reunification process: quality assessments including whether and when reunification should occur, quality case plans, family engagement, service coordination, family compliance with case plans, family readiness, and post-reunification services and monitoring.
High - quality family engagement activities can help build trusting and positive relationships between teachers and families, which can help address any concerns — such as behavior problems or developmental delays — and better coordinate a response before issues become significant and affect children's learning.61
Three aspects of parenting have been highlighted as central to children's early language and learning: (1) the frequency of children's participation in routine learning activities (e.g., shared bookreading, storytelling); (2) the quality of caregiver - child engagements (e.g., parents» cognitive stimulation and sensitivity / responsiveness); and (3) the provision of age - appropriate learning materials (e.g., books and toys).24
In other words, as stated in the final report about positive family functioning edited by the Australian Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (2010), family functions refers to a variety of characteristics encompassing several domains such as emotional attributes (e.g., closeness of parent — child relationships, warmth, sensitivity, perceived support, and safety), family governance issues (e.g., members» role, age appropriate rules), engagement and cognitive development, physical health habits, quality of intra-familial relationships (e.g., parent — child interactions, parent - parent relationships, spouse — spouse relationships), and social connectedness (e.g., relationships with the extended family, activities outside the family unit, members» role balance).
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