Sentences with phrase «quality of education decided»

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Byrd's plan allowed for Virginia to flex the power of the purse in deciding who could receive a quality public education.
Reminded of her childhood experience of being a first - generation socioeconomically disadvantaged student seeking quality education in Oakland, she decided to shift career focus from chemical engineering to addressing a more personal issue: educational inequalities.
«I've heard from many parents around the state who are worried not only about the quality of these federal educational programs but that they are mandated across the state, limiting the ability for individual towns and cities to decide on their students» education,» Avard said.
After a multitude of experiences, both good and bad, in both the NYC public school system and Syracuse City School District, Vyasa decided she needed to be a part of the educational movement to provide all children with a quality education.
In informed decision making on this matter, all facts are required to decide if the decision to refuse this testing will severely impact the quality of education in the district, as stated in the letter.
He decided to enroll her at our school as he was so impressed with the high quality of the education in all the classes he had visited that afternoon.
On April 24, 2015 the Supreme Court of Canada decided the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms» guarantee of minority - language educational rights protects substantive equality of minority - language education, not merely formal equality — and this is measured by the quality of the educational experience, not costs and practicalities.
Courts consider several factors when deciding whether to allow a parent to relocate with a child, including the age and maturity of the child (the judge may consider the preference of the children), the distance between the new and old home (the court is usually more sympathetic to moves that make it possible for the noncustodial parent to exercise visitation), and the quality of life (the effect on the child's education and leisure opportunity in a new location).
Couple Premarital Behavior and Dynamics We examined 14 behaviors and dynamics related to the focal relationship as predictors of marital quality: age at marriage, length of relationship before marriage, whether the couple had a child or were pregnant together before marriage, whether they began their relationship with hooking up, whether the respondent had sexual relations with someone else while dating his / her future spouse or knew that his / her partner had, whether the respondent reported any physical aggression in the relationship before marriage, whether the couple cohabited before making a mutual commitment to marry, the degree to which the respondent reported sliding into living together vs. deciding to do so, whether the respondent perceived that he or she was more or less committed than the partner before marriage, whether the couple received premarital education, and whether the couple had a wedding, as well as how many people attended the wedding.
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