Sentences with phrase «quantity of sleep»

A relative found her unconscious after she'd ingested a large quantity of sleeping pills.
But many people are unaware that it's not just quantity of sleep but also quality.
From decreased attention to weight gain, getting the right quality and quantity of sleep matters.
Were just beginning to realize that the quality and quantity of our sleep affects our appetite in ways we never dreamed it did.
Dr Tang's research proves that improving the quality and quantity of sleep amongst the population — as well as discouraging the use of sleep medication — is an effective, simple and cheap method of raising the health and wellbeing of society as a whole.
Because babies and toddlers grow at such a fast rate (just look at that growth chart on your wall), they need a significantly larger quantity of sleep than adults.
Ensuring your family receives the quality and quantity of sleep they need.
So it was not only the quantity of sleep that was important, but also its quality.
This is because good quality and quantity of sleep is crucial for cognitive functioning and the concentration it requires to carry out daily activities.
The quantity of sleeping hours is the only thing that counts.
Despite the quantity of sleep that babies receive, many parents still struggle to get their child to fall asleep each evening.
The brighter the days and the darker the sleep times, the more melatonin is secreted (and therefore, the quality and quantity of sleep is increased).
It used to be a simple matter of mother breastfeeding and mother and infant sleeping together with no judgment and no questions about quality or quantity of sleep.
«Apart from its clear reproductive function for the survival of the species, as well as physiological support for the quality and quantity of sleep that are essential to individual health and well - being, co-sleeping fulfils basic psychological needs and reinforces and maintains social relations,» highlights Smith.
The authors point out that factors besides cortisol levels — like natural circadian rhythm or quality and quantity of sleep — could certainly influence the effectiveness of early - morning therapy.
Devices like these measure the quality and quantity of sleep to provide users with a score out of 100, and gives expert advice to improve overall sleep.
I'm all about promoting more quality sleep versus the quantity of sleep.
quality and quantity of sleep that improves hormones responsible for lean mass and decreases hormones that prevent fat loss
When athletes receive high quality and quantity of sleep they wake up feeling more restored from the previous day's training and are ready to hit the ground running.
It may be that E4s have to adopt several other changes that would help restore their metabolism and hormonal milieu to something more befitting them, including better quality and quantity of sleep, stress reduction, increased physical activity, fasting, and repletion of vitamins and minerals they may be deficient in.
The quality and quantity of sleep you're getting each night are important parameters to track for your fertility.
Lack of quality and quantity of sleep not only creates crankiness, decreased mental capacity, and hunger from out of whack hormone cycles, it also creates more stress!
As you focus on improving your health in a wellness program, consider your sleeping habits and how improving the quality and quantity of your sleep may influence your daily life.
I prioritize quality sleep over the quantity of sleep.
Elevated cortisol at bedtime or throughout the night can affect melatonin production and contribute to poor quality and quantity of sleep.
The quality and quantity of sleep has profound effects on psychology, immunology, and neurology.
After years of exercise with no results, she decided to increase her quality and quantity of sleep, and that's when the weight started coming off.
While true insomniacs will need professional help, occasional poor sleepers can initiate immediate changes to the quality and quantity of sleep just by implementing a few tweaks and changes to their sleep habits.
Good sleep habits are what really make a difference in the quality and quantity of your sleep
It also monitors the quality and quantity of your sleep and lets you know your sleep patterns and provides guidance on how to get the most out of your rest.
The study of 2,000 British homes for Travelodge hotels reveals how bedroom colour schemes affect the quality and quantity of sleep that Brits get every night.
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