Sentences with phrase «quantity of water vapor»

Tau doesn't tell him what he wants to know; he has written at least one post on papers which show that adding the same quantity of water vapor to the atmosphere at different altitudes creates different amounts of radiative forcing: So tau can be the same and the temperature profile of the atmosphere can be the same, but warming will be different.
The quantity of water vapor and CO2 are all small enough so that the average Cp is not changed.
Spengler et al. (2011) did the following: they took a normal column of air with an observable quantity of the water vapor and then imagined, in a thought experiment, that all vapor between 2 and 4 km in the atmosphere suddenly condenses, the latent heat is released in the sensible form and warms the atmosphere.
In warmer areas, Vuille notes, the air holds higher quantities of water vapor — a greenhouse gas.

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Geochemist Richard Court of Imperial College London published a report (covered in 80beats) showing that impacting rocks would have shed tremendous quantities of carbon dioxide and water vapor, both of which effectively trap heat.
In this way, by utilizing global - mean decadal - average quantities, we have come to understand that water vapor accounts for 50 percent of the (33 K, 60 deg F) greenhouse effect.
Contribution of volcanic eruptions: big volcanic eruptions emit great quantities of SO2 (sulfur dioxide) that form with water vapor sulfate droplets that are lifted by the eruptive column to the stratosphere where they are carried by winds all over the world.
Water vapor is emitted by evaporation in vast quantities, roughly the sum of all the world's rainfall.
Fast feedbacks are changes of quantities such as atmospheric water vapor and clouds, which change as climate changes, thus amplifying or diminishing climate change.
Any heat radiation penetrating the canopy and incident on the soil again goes towards phase changing water, water in the soil moisture, but this happens in a limited quantity based on saturation point of vapor in the surrounding.
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