Sentences with phrase «queries about our editing»

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You can follow Naomi on Twitter at @NaomiLHughes, where she frequently hosts giveaways and chats about publishing advice, and find her at her website, where she offers editing help for everything from queries and synopses to submission packages and full manuscripts.
I've written before about the importance of query letters — and one of my most popular service is editing and refining query letters.
Nearly all of my October posts were about editing, literary agents, and query letters.
I shoved it in a box for a month so I wouldn't think about it, then pulled it out and began the work of editing before querying it to agents.»
That idea you germinated four years ago, then wrote about for two years, then queried for another year, then edited for a final year, has to be the hot topic on the date your book launches.
Last fall, Sharon Hughson guest posted for me here about going through the editing process even though she's querying for a traditional publishing path.
Our editors (the same world - class pros that do our book editing) can review and strengthen both your existing query letter and the synopsis of your book so that they are compelling and convey what your book is about.
We work around - the - clock and answer all your queries about CV writing and CV editing services.
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