Sentences with phrase «question at hand»

To finish by referring to the actual question at hand.....
The key question at hand is how much worse we are willing to let it get.
Which brings us back to the initial question at hand.
Numerous articles weigh in on the political and academic debates about funding universal pre-K, but the more interesting and basic question at hand is what we're asking of pre-K.
Let's start from first principles and then drill down to the specific question at hand.
In more than six hundred rich pages, these are the two main questions at hand.
This is the essential question at hand in Kone.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo asked, framing the key questions at hand as he addressed attendees at an Association for a Better New York breakfast last Friday.
Amid this heated debate about charter expansion, we must refocus on the essential question at hand — what makes a great school?
So when eternal conscious torment is the very question at hand, what biblical evidence would you point to as teaching that the resurrected bodies of the lost will likewise be made immortal?
Substantively, in terms of the practical policy question at hand, the two formulations are nearly identical.
To answer your question, Anonymous, the original question at hand (that we're all supposedly discussing here LOL) was... «My husband, mom, and mother - in - law are all pressuring me to stop breastfeeding my 13 - month - old...» So that would be the child referred to.
Based on the research questions at hand, the Center draws from CHOP and University of Pennsylvania - based expertise in emergency medicine; pediatric trauma; surgery; nursing; social work; pediatric and adolescent medicine; epidemiology and biostatistics; bioengineering; computational engineering; psychology; behavioral science; communications; and health education.
Specifically, care should be taken not overstep the boundaries of the logical question at hand and end up drifting into dogmatic hatred and making generaliztions about the stupidity or evilness of those we don't agree with.
As a competitor, it's assumed that you've already achieved a peak body condition, but how you're approaching the maintenance or further progression of you physique becomes the primary question at hand — and most of us just continue doing what we're used to, even if we're seeing worse results over time from it.
The true question at hand though is whether or not Insomniac Games delievered this time around with the much anticipated sequel.
can finally be answered in the affirmative when referring to the consoles, the more pertinent question at hand is, «Is Crysis even fun?».
With a strong desire to address the concept of visual perception, Bruno employs a high level of craft and attention to detail in his work, using simple shapes and compositions to place full focus on the perceptual questions at hand.
The GCF board continues to gloss over the foundational questions at hand: «What is the purpose of the Fund, and who it is supposed to serve?»
In this sense from an internal legal standpoint the elections are legitimate, but the real question at hand is whether the trials themselves were fair or whether Putin and / or his administration are manipulating the courts to keep what most view as the only legitimate challenge to Putin's rule out of the election.
To move the conversation forward, this column returns to the actual question at hand: Should America send more money to schools now, as they are structured today, or should we implement reforms before allocating additional resources?
With Mr Hague currently in Washington and in talks with his US counterpart, John Kerry, Syria is the main question at hand.
So, to get back to the question at hand: is the Lumia 800 a big deal?
Befitting his background as a comedian, Franken has a knack for framing the question at hand in a way that is easy for laypeople to understand, and all but impossible for Facebook to answer.
The question at hand is when a digital asset qualifies as a security.
This update, by the way, will start affecting Facebook Pages in January, so let's get right to the questions at hand:
So, getting back to the question at hand: Will California home prices drop in 2017, or keep rising through the end of the year?
Which brings us back to the question at hand.
Getting back to the question at hand: What is considered a jumbo loan in California?
To re-answer the question at hand: No, FHA does not require PMI.
If you are like Musk, or Bostrom, then you will probably consider these historical and culture - comparative considerations irrelevant to the question at hand.
Please answer the question at hand.
Quite apart from conflicting views on the merits of the question at hand, there appears to be increasing opposition to the judicial usurpation of politics, of which the California court's decision is an egregious instance.
No where buddy, try again and this time stick to the question at hand...
And if our official silence on the highest good is itself good — at least for us, as it may well be — well, the question at hand becomes one of the highest seriousness.
What is the connection, the undeniable nexus, between the distinctiveness of the Church and the distinctiveness of the question at hand?
Applied to the question at hand, the debate thus proceeds on the unquestioned assumption that either human beings definitely are naturally religious, and so religion will always persist in human societies, or they are not naturally religious, and so modernity will inevitably secularize people and society as we shed the accidents of our cultural past.
The question at hand is reliability of the texts.
That approach reflected a misunderstanding of the question at hand.
What is intolerable is the kind of brush - off that defenders of Heidegger, such as Walter Biemel in his biography (Martin Heidegger, Harcourt, Brace, 1976), give the question at hand.
Sure, the question at hand however was if Stalin, Mao, and others were killing because they were atheists looking to eradicate religion because of their atheism and dislike for religion or whether they killed because they were communists looking to consolidate power and be the only people with authority in the country.
It kind of shows your inability to focus on the question at hand.
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