Sentences with phrase «question by»

The Chinese respond to this question by citing Heaven as the source of principle.20 Principle is the original gift native to every determinate thing and process.
So if the int» l community is calling Christian communities into check — it's sad that Christian ethics have to be called into question by what you call the «world» — apparently on some issue they have enlightened moral ethics... as unbelievable as this is.
You might «bracket» the metaphysical question by saying we just do have continuities in which there are repeated characteristics — repetitions of characters over what he calls routes of events.
But what one exegete takes as definite can only be called into question by other exegetes.
We can begin to answer this question by asking ourselves what is necessary in a civilisation for science to develop.
He would probably answer the limb question by stating that the loss of the limb was god's will, or that god must have his reasons even if we can't understand them.
Thus, commenting in 1985 upon Gaudium et spes 43, Ratzinger rightly insists that the fidelity of the Bride of Christ is not called into question by the infidelities of her members.
But the achievements of the progressive and liberal movements of the past are now called into question by the general obsolescence and breakdown of the arrangements that were made during the New Deal and postwar years.
The latter simply begs the question by smuggling the word «dying» into the description, thus verbally converting a chronic case into a dying one.
We can answer that question by looking at the pictures in which Peter thinks of Jesus.
But more crucially it begs the question by feeding off Shakespeare's preeminence precisely by attacking him and not, say, Ben Jonson or Christopher Marlowe, who presumably are equally the products of class myopia and imperial designs:
We may open the question by observing that virtually all Protestant scholars deny that Paul wrote the so - called Epistle to the Hebrews.
Al Gore put the polar bears in his propaganda movie, and even though he, infamously, could only sputter in response to a question by journalist Phelim McAleer that involved the polar bear issue — children are still being warned to cut their carbon or the polar bears will drown.
This is especially true of his practice of table fellowship with sinners and social outcasts, a habit for which he was severely criticized by those whose religious heroism was implicitly put in question by such inclusive praxis.
You avoided his question by insulting him instead.
Spiffy, You should not answer a question by and irrelevant question.
32 Wilder himself has offered invaluable aid in the pursuit of his own question by analyzing the modes and genres of New Testament discourse.
It seems perfectly plausible to me to say that you are willing to be ruled without question by someone who is all good and all knowing, but not by some random ignorant human slob.
Anybody who has a belief and has the luck of travelling to beautiful places would answer your question by saying yes.
What light is thrown on this question by the distant cousin of this account in John 5:1 ff.?
Hoping that his vision merely had been blurred by the spray and not wanting to admit my age, I tossed off his question by replying, «I didn't think my backstroke was that bad.»
For example, certain Biblical accounts were once held in question by scholars.
question by Sinsinawa Dominican Sister Erica Jordan, who not - so - subtly suggested that Ryan's approach to healthcare reform, tax reform, and welfare reform was in conflict with the Church's social teaching, the very Catholic Speaker replied that he completely agreed with Sister Erica that God is «always on the side of the poor and dispossessed»; the real question was, how do public officials, who are not God, create public policies that empower the poor and dispossessed to be not - poor and not - dispossessed?
It is just here that it is all too easy to beg the question by assuming the historicity of the burial story in order to prove the historicity of the empty tomb.
Its meaning can be unfolded from the question itself by transcendental deduction.
Let me address this question by first sketching a response to the broader issue, and then by responding to Meier's and Crossan's own suggestions.
All of these common beliefs are adopted without question by so many in our culture.
In John 14, Jesus is asked this interesting question by Judas (the one who didn't betray him).
Whitehead's insistence upon the organismic connectedness of things is certainly conducive to answering this question by means of analogy and metaphor, mapping in isomorphic fashion characteristics of the actual occasion onto the macrocosmic objects of human experience.
This series tries to answer that question by providing a reliable guide to the ideas of the men who have significantly charted the theological seas of our century.
A theology for our day must call our lives into question by reminding us that God's message of mercy is also a message of judgment.
If, however, I try to proclaim God's word, I am utterly called into question by my very pretension.
13 It was quite in character for Jesus to meet such a question by asking another.
Jerusalem remained the headquarters of the Church as a whole, and the authority of its leaders seems to have been accepted without question by the new churches which had been established outside Palestine.
Whitehead would answer the metaphysical question by holding that both God and World are ultimate, as in his famous antithesis «It is as true to say that God creates the world, as that the world creates God» (PR 348).
Nobody has ever been able to justify this barbarism, and when you ask them about it, they always completely avoid the question by spewing the same tired bumper stickers you used.
If unsupported by a theory, a law stating relationships between variables which are relatively «observable» will be thrown into question by a few persistent discrepancies.
Hoping that his vision merely had been blurred by the spray and not wanting to admit my age, I tossed off his question by replying, «I didn't...
We can best arrive at an answer to this question by considering what in fact establishes the identity of any one of us.
Although Biblical authority is asserted as a hallmark of the movement, it is daily called into question by the independent and contradictory theological opinions which are being given dogmatic status by evangelical writers.
At this point Cobb might be tempted to make one last ditch stand, arguing that I have begged the question by merely assuming that a structured society can not be an enduring object, whereas what he is saying, when he says that one regional standpoint can include another, is that one enduring entity, one nonspatial, serially ordered society, can still be a structured society in that its temporally successive occasions can include the regional standpoints of the «narrower» actual entities which make up its subordinate societies and / or nexus.
As Marjorie Reeves has shown in her application of Buber's I - Thou philosophy to education, the whole concept of the «objectivity» of education is called in question by the fact that our knowledge of things is for the most part mediated through the minds of others and by the fact that real growth takes place «through the impact of person on person.»
We never could have answered that question by cogitation only.
We can answer this question by dividing our 1028 by the total number of people who have lived since the time of these prophecies.
Another element of it is the contemporary Zeitgeschichte which is accessible to us only through the very fauible and fuzzy tools of literary and archaeological history, aided but also called into question by the ancillary disciplines of linguistics, literary analysis, anthropology, etc..
I set out to answer this question by looking at fifty - two countries — from Armenia and Azerbaijan to Sweden and Singapore — around the globe, using data from the World Values Survey and the Population Reference Bureau.
The fact that many of the assumptions fundamental to Whitehead's starting point in human experience were thrown into question by those undertaking this revolution is the main reason, I think, for the subsequent neglect of his philosophy in the English - speaking world.
So let me try to answer your question by framing it properly.
Although no explicit feedback arrangement is shown in the image, the authority of the minister's interpretation of the Word depends upon his dedication and competence and is not above question by those who hear.
You can answer this question by googling your name.
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