Sentences with phrase «question of this sort»

Asking questions of any sort of your spouse is a great idea, because it shows that you are interested in them.
The book will be misunderstood if it is pictured as an endeavor to answer the religious questions of every sort of young person.
Like many questions of this sort, the answer is — it depends on your choices.
If you're interviewing for a position at the Vanderbloemen Search Group — a Houston - based firm that staffs churches and other faith - based organizations — don't be surprised to receive a text message asking a quirky question of sorts around 10:00 in the evening.
We do not know, of course, exactly what Jesus thought about questions of this sort.
Since our results depend on decisions on questions of this sort, and since I want to provide you with some basis for judging our work, I will give you an example here of our procedure.
Christ and the Americas We ordered the accompanying worktext as well; this consists mainly of short - answer and multiple - choice reading - comprehension and retention - type questions of the sort I don't normally use.
But is also means grappling with big questions of the sort that intrigue both scientist and lay person alike: What is the universe made of?
The artist's ongoing series of Puddle Paintings, several examples of which are on view in the show, pose further questions of this sort.
And when finally at lunchtime a few boys did gather around, it was only to ask whether I had been on a tram, had seen South Gate, and other questions of this sort.
The app will bring the ability to ask questions of all sorts — right after the user taps the Alexa button.
We noted in the scripture read this evening that a question of this sort is not new.
It's a sad state of affairs when «God did it» usurps the search for real definitive answers to questions of any sort.
Systematically, the whole of Brunner's theological work rests upon his answer to questions of this sort.
Ideally, questions of this sort should be resolved by the patient before the need to enter an ICU arises.
Much of Whitehead's cosmology is a response to questions of this sort.
It is evident that questions of this sort are quintessentially analytical in character.
However, questions of this sort can not be settled by majority vote.
«It is not a question of you sorting out your future, or diving off for medicals.
It's not just a question of sorting real from fake news, says the study's lead author, Sam Wineburg, but «the broader question of how do all of us evaluate the information that comes to us via screens.»
Throughout the emergence the cryptocurrency market in the country, there has always been the question of the sort of approach that the government will employ concerning regulating the industry.
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