Sentences with phrase «question on austerity»

Not exact matches

This has called into question whether Italy will continue on the austerity path set by the technocratic Monti government.
Those words of fact just puts a huge question mark on what the manager led us to believe in all those years of «austerity».
Mahmoud Abbas has been threatening to dismantle the Palestinian Authority over and over since April 2010, saying he would hand over «the keys» for the occupied West Bank to the Israeli government; while in 2011, Greek Prime Minister Papandreou threatened to leave the Eurozone and called a popular referendum on austerity measures, which implicitly questioned membership in the euro zone.
And should we not form alliances with others who are willing to oppose austerity, the privatisation of CalMac ferries or the replacement of Trident even if they have a different view on the national question?
Every interview with David Cameron and — especially — George Osborne, particularly on the economy, has to begin with the question: «If we're all in this together, and this is the age of austerity, why are you so wedded to a tax cut for the nation's richest estates?»
Many of them hinged on local concerns — in particular why Bradford schools are so good at being poor — but then there were the questions about disability and austerity, investment in business and innovation, and tuition fees.
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