Sentences with phrase «question surrounding something»

They will, therefore, ask you plenty of questions surrounding it and have an expectation that you provide more detail than what they have already read.
The main reason that most website owners should stay away from the tool is because there are still many questions surrounding it.
The more rigid your faith structure, the more drastic the leap of faith required to start asking questions surrounding it.
One of the main questions surrounding it lies in the fact that are these services actually needed and what are the facts concerning it.
It may seem easier not to talk about the affair but having looming questions surrounding it will prevent the marriage from truly recovering.
In a brief conversation with BuzzFeed News in Washington last September, James said she looked forward the next step in her career, suggesting that while she understood questions surrounding her possible candidacy for mayor, she was not yet prepared to talk openly about it.
FOLLOW THE MONEY: In speaking to politically fuelled climate change and the so called anthropogenic questions surrounding it, it might be prudent to first ask WHY people have such a need to suicidally abandon themselves to fundamentalist type Armageddon laden fear mongering by offering to pay up front before depopulating themselves, — all for the sake of the planet.
Simply choose a number for the children to write in the middle box (can be differentiated) and the children answer the questions surrounding it.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z