Sentences with phrase «question under oath»

At the deposition in the lawyer's office, the therapist will have to answer questions under oath.
At an examination, each party is questioned under oath by the other party's lawyer.
In many car accident cases, a victim will have to attend a deposition during which he or she is asked a series of questions under oath.
In any personal injury claim that is filed and prepared for court, the insurance company lawyer can seek a deposition of the doctors where he / she asks the doctors questions under oath.
We can not have confidence in an investigation by the Metropolitan police; we can have confidence only in a full judicial inquiry with a judge who can take witnesses under oath, ask questions under oath, seek papers, and subpoena witnesses to appear.
Given the complexity of real estate transactions, there's always a chance that something could go wrong — and that you will have to answer questions under oath about a deal you were involved with.
If further information is required, we may conduct depositions so we can ask the other party questions under oath in order to better prepare for your trial.
Your Utah truck crash attorney can conduct depositions and ask parties questions under oath to determine how the relationship works and who is legally liable.
Require witnesses or parties, including you and the defendants, to answer questions under oath at a «Deposition» which are recorded by a court reporter.
Huma Abedin, who worked her way up from White House intern to vice chair of Clinton's campaign for president, will be questioned under oath tomorrow by lawyers of the conservative group Judicial Watch about her involvement with her boss» private email system.
Former American Idol contestant Corey Clark was questioned under oath during a deposition about his alleged affair with Paula Abdul as part of his ongoing Compare, search and browse our directory.
You may also be required to go to the Official Receiver's office to answer several questions under oath about your financial affairs.
They may also have the right to depose these folks, i.e. question them under oath in a pre-trial proceeding.
I'm an attorney and I'm pretty confident that if I could get Gavin Schmidt or James Hansen «in the box,» i.e. in a position where I could question them under oath with no opportunity to dodge, evade, or refuse to answer, I could completely humiliate them and demolish their positions.
This protection is the quid pro quo for a civil litigant being compelled to produce relevant documents and to submit to questioning under oath as part of the civil discovery process.
During the discovery process, we will request relevant documents, conduct depositions to ask questions under oath, review pictures and accident reports, speak with witnesses, and more.
She can be required to answer questions under oath at the deposition for the duration shown on the subpoena, or if no...
A federal judge ruled that State Department officials and top aides to Hillary Clinton should be questioned under oath about whether they intentionally thwarted federal open records laws by using or allowing the use of a private email server throughout her tenure as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.
«Airbnb has refused to disclose data on their illegal listings, even when they've been subpoenaed by the city and questioned under oath by the Council,» City Council speaker Corey Johnson told Politico in a statement.
NSEERS registrants are required to answer a series of questions under oath; according to immigration officials the process can take as much as 3 hours.
Discovery usually involves written questions or demands for documents, and spouses can require potential witnesses to formally answer questions under oath in a deposition.
To find out, we will engage in discovery, request relevant documents, and conduct depositions to ask involved parties questions under oath.
In some cases, the parties and other individuals are deposed, which is a process whereby a person answers questions under oath in the presence of the divorce attorneys and a court stenographer.
If Zervos's lawyers depose Trump, he'd have to answer questions under oath.
Key players in the Dick Smith drama will face a public grilling later this year and be compelled to answer questions under oath.
Weiss was put up to speak on the behalf of FSG after the club's principal owner John W. Henry refused to answer questions under oath.
I hope this is simple enough for them to go through the motions and ask DiNapoli the questions under oath
«Airbnb has refused to disclose data on their illegal listings, even when they've been subpoenaed by the city and questioned under oath by the Council,» Johnson told POLITICO in a prepared statement.
The creditors» meeting, also known as a 341 meeting, is where the trustee will ask you questions under oath about your financial situation.
If the trustee suspects that you might have left assets out of your bankruptcy papers, they will schedule a 2004 exam and ask you questions under oath.
At the First Meeting of Creditors the trustee will ask you questions under oath regarding the content of your bankruptcy papers, your assets, debts and other aspects of your financial situation.
At the First Meeting of Creditors, the trustee will ask you questions under oath regarding the content of your bankruptcy papers, your assets, debts and other matters.
At the First Meeting of Creditors, the trustee will ask you questions under oath.
You and your spouse will be required to attend that meeting and respond to questions under oath.
The panel held final hearings earlier in Edmonton, Prince George and Prince Rupert, where company experts and interveners answered questions under oath.
I want Hansen to be arraigned for scientific fraud so he can be questioned under oath.
During the meeting, the trustee in your case will ask you some questions under oath to verify the information in your bankruptcy paperwork.
You will be asked questions under oath by the defendant's lawyer, and your lawyer will also have the opportunity to ask the defendant questions under oath.
We are also entitled to question him under oath and a transcript of that questioning can be used before the Court.
During discovery, you'll also be required to answer the other side's questions under oath.
Lawyers will sometimes depose spouses, asking them questions under oath.
He can depose your spouse, your spouse's witnesses, and other individuals in your child's life, asking them questions under oath so he can gather facts to present at trial.
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