Sentences with phrase «questionable act»

Like any good Irish - man ended up dancing on the table amongst many other questionable acts.
It could be used to find people committing crimes or questionable acts unrelated to the devices themselves.
Not for the faint hearted... Be warned, this isn't family friendly as it does contain come nudity and quite questionable acts of «fashion» that could be interpreted as sexual in nature.
Like that film, Gods tells the story of ancient deities taking an interest in the affairs of morals, whose fate falls into the hands of a youthful heartthrob with questionable acting skills.
This would also help create sympathy for such morally questionable acts as firebombing the police station.
Almost nothing was off limits, as the comedians took turns taking shots at Franco's questionable acting choices and ambiguous sexuality; Hill's fluctuating weight; and the roast's largely Jewish cast.
Yang splices together footage of performers carrying out mundane, jovial behavior in the gardens, such as young men chasing peacocks and couples canoodling, with more questionable acts that include older men in makeshift bathing suits mimicking the motions of swimming while laying on woven mats.
`' For the avoidance of doubt, the Chief of Army Staff has never been involved in any questionable act throughout his career as military officer let alone when he was at the DHQ.
Usman said Buratai has never been involved in any questionable act all through his military career.
For the avoidance of doubt, the chief of army staff has never been involved in any questionable act throughout his career as military officer let alone when he was at the DHQ.»
After the Garner decision and Michael Brown case in Feguson Mo., in which a white police officer was not indicted for shooting to death a black teenager, some elected officials and legal scholars have questioned whether district attorneys who work so closely with local police departments can effectively hold accountable those same departments when they commit questionable acts.
A questionable act of progress may drown this African tribe's way of life.
Like many movies, there are some questionable acts committed by the characters.
Clearly the casting of Megan Fox in the lead role is going to guarantee some level of success for this film, but will her questionable acting also be the film's downfall?
The film stars Paul Giamatti as Mike Flaherty, a lawyer desperate to save his floundering law practice who takes a chance on a questionable act of malfeasance that, naturally, causes all sorts of complications.
In order for a questionable act to be covered, however, it has to be declared to be an act of terrorism.
And yet despite the weak writing, bad dialogue, lack of characterisation and questionable acting it's hard not to enjoy the plot and become strangely enamored with the world and people.
Is he here alluding to his own potential art martyrdom or the questionable acts resulting from his increasing art power?
In order for a questionable act to be covered, however, it has to be declared to be an act of terrorism.
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