Sentences with phrase «questioned about having kids»

Here, she offers a woman's perspective on having kids, being questioned about having kids, and traditional women's roles within society and marriage.

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In response to a question about whether Trump had paid no taxes in recent years and how long the negative tax liability of the late»70s continued, Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks emailed: «You must be kidding, that is more than 35 years ago when we had an entirely different tax system.»
But Messenger Kids has also opened up a sensitive new front in the Facebook backlash, raising questions not just about Facebook's suitability for children, but for what it does to all of our brains.
Every decision has pros and cons, the question is evaluating whether the «pros» outweigh the «cons», I've taught my kids well about consequences (and let them suffer a few).
Octomom / In - vitro / Designer Babies — Yes, this stuff has been out of the news for a while, but it does raise questions about our society's preoccupation with kids as wish fulfillment.
As a kid, the question crossed my mind momentarily, but didn't resurface until college, when I started to worry that maybe I'd been brainwashed... about everything.
wow i graduated with this kid frist we did not tell him he had to bow his head, he just made a big deal because everybody else was praying, and since he is atheist he thinks that it is wrong for everybody else to pray in the military ceremony, he was going to graduate regardless, and i went to AIT with this kid, i knowwhat happend exactly, he made a big deal out of nothing and now its on the news, Thats embarassing for the United States Army that we have privates like him... Sincerly PFC Fuentes proud grizzly 2nd Platoon grad, if you have any questions about the event text me @ (915) 841-4142
Well kids guess what these is no god, what kind of god would allow this to happen to anyone, if you think there is a loving god you been brainwashed into thinking it smart up its not so bad to believe in reality then you want ask yourself idiotic questions you will just know that some a @ # hole did it and you can do something about it instead of praying
Funniest Video: Kids Ask Awkward Questions About Jesus This has been out for a while, but I only recently got to enjoy it.
But, as so often happens to kids who grew up in church, when I reached young adulthood, I started to question a lot of what I was taught about faith and life and ever since then, doubt has been an ongoing presence in my life.
It's funny how I got to this entry as I was looking to see if you had any recipes for swiss buttercream frosting as I am making a rainbow cake for a friend's four year old's birthday (from the «whisk kid» blog) and had some questions about storage.
I am looking for her email - have a question to ask about kid and adult friendly salad dishes which would go well at a late summer potluck in the park.
I get a lot of questions about getting kids to eat healthy, and the truth is, this isn't something I've got all figured out.
And I'd rather explain it while my kids aren't embarrassed by it and will ask questions instead of having a 10 - year - old blush or roll her eyes and not wanting to ask questions about things she doesn't understand.»
Parents have been calling NOLS worried about safety, questioning the idea that the kids were alone (a huge part of the NOLS experience) and all the other things parents worry about; honestly, I was one of those parents, too, calling at week No. 4 of my older son's trip.
If you have any questions or comments about Hazelnut Kids or our products, please don't hesitate to e-mail us at [email protected] or call us at 1.231.642.6760.
But when the number of kids and families struggling is so large, we have to start asking questions about the systems beyond ourselves.
Bree, that's such a great question about kids having tantrums in public.
Since the toddler years, kids have questions and most of your discussions probably come about as the result of your child's inquiries.
Not surprisingly, kids usually have lots of questions as they learn about puberty.
It's a good idea to review the lessons with your child, since kids often still have questions about certain topics.
It has certainly meant that in my new Nanny career I can get out and about easily with 4 kids, giving me extra enjoyment now that my son is facing me (in the toddler seat) and I can answer his questions as he points to things we pass, helping me develop his language and engage with him even en route.»
Generally, we wait until dinner time or at least some time significantly after the kids have gotten home to aks question about their day.
Some of the questions parents have about school safety may include how school lockdown drills are implemented, what other plans are in place to help kids stay safe, and how to handle kids» questions or anxiety about school safety.
As kids enter puberty, they will have many questions about their bodies and parents will notice many physical and emotional changes.
I'm sure they will have more questions about it later in life, if they marry and have kids, which is when the Pandora's box of our family - of - origin issues opens wide.
Laurel and Violet also love to bake (and Laurel can totally make cakes on her own now) so over the years I have received a lot of questions about cake baking with kids, and basic cake tips in general.
Second question you can write about in a blog is just how do people have that much free time on their hands to flirt, then date, then become emotionally involved, then sneak around, then have sex while still married, have kids, and have a full time job??
This week I've fielded the same question from a few families and therapists who have emailed me about kids who do not initiate.
If you have questions about your kids» fighting, talk with your doctor, who can help you determine whether your family might benefit from professional help and refer you to local behavioral health resources.
Ask Annie Parenting Questions Online Coaching with Annie - Do you have a question about your young kids?
A couple of weeks ago I asked a question on the Heligirl Facebook page about how to parent and gently guide kids through those rough stages, such as the ferocious threes (which have nothing on the terrible twos) with positive discipline.
I have a velvet brown box, that sits waiting on the top shelf of the closet, for the day when our kids begin asking the tough questions about their bio father.
Do you have time to get the family together every evening and, if so, have you ever asked your kids about their days or other questions to get them talking?
Last week's post on Food Day 2013 — and its focus on teaching children how to cook — prompted these questions from a reader, Amanda: I would love to see some talk about HOW to cook with your kids.
-LSB-...] the question of what to do with the candy your kids bring home, about 24 % of you said you let your kids have complete control over the candy; 31 % limit the amount -LSB-...]
But when I asked this question yesterday at our Food Services Parent Advisory Committee meeting, I learned that not only does stigma remain a real issue at some schools, there's now a troubling, modern - day twist on the problem: on some campuses, hapless kids standing in the federally reimbursable meal line are having their pictures taken by other students» cell phones, with the photos then uploaded to Facebook and / or texted around the school along with disparaging messages about the child's economic status.
Parents often have questions about disciplining kids.
When my parents separated, there was no question about who would get the kids: the wife, my mother.
If you have questions about nutrition for kids or specific concerns about your child's diet, talk to your child's doctor or a registered dietitian.
When their kids have the flu, one of the first questions most parents have, after all of the ones about how they can get them better as quickly as possible, is how long will they be contagious?
While it may be tempting to shy away from talking about physical disabilities that our kids notice because we don't have all the answers, it's better to seize teachable moments and address questions honestly in age appropriate ways the best we can.
It's not uncommon for kids to start having questions about absent fathers around the time they enter preschool and begin to pick up on different family structures.
It's natural for kids to have questions about why their father isn't in their life.
As kids mature, repeat things you've talked about before and add more information, share your family's viewpoints and ask if they have more questions for you.
Here's a question parents of young children inevitably have to wrestle with at one time or another: When — and how — should we break the news about Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny to our kids?
Do you have questions about the day - to - day challenges of raising kids?
I was talking to my sister about the dangers of meat in the form of sheets (such as my beloved Boar's Head honey maple turkey, sliced thin) and she posed a great question for me, «Well if you can't have that, what can kids have for lunch?
A kid who knows the facts and has all his questions answered honestly to his age level is going to be much better equipped to live in a world that sends some really confusing messages about our bodies.
When researchers questioned 231 young adolescents about their cultural values and experiences with peers, they found that kids from authoritarian homes were more likely to have experienced bullying — both as victims and perpetrators (Georgiou et al 2013).
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