Sentences with phrase «questioning faith»

He adopted a physical materiality from African sculpture and focused on questioning the faith in gesture of the New York School.
A mystical temple teeming with a strange life - like energy of its own awaits you on your sacred crusade of suffering and redemption that will take you to the depths of traditions spanning centuries — and leave you questioning your faith and your own existence.
Mixing elements of Gothic horror and Film Noir with a healthy dose of face - melting psychedelics, Conduit will have you questioning your faith in a higher power and your own ability to sleep tonight.
She elicits memorable performances from the cast as she shows the nuns questioning their faith in varying degrees.
The crew becomes despondent, resulting to infighting and questioning their faith in science and God.
The film follows her as she progresses thru the stages of training, all the while questioning her faith and the harsh treatment of some of the women, especially by the Mother Superior (a complex and evil Melissa Leo).
The film follows her as she progresses thru the stages of training, all the while questioning her faith and
As Reverend Toller, a lonely, sickly pastor at an historic church nicknamed «The Gift Shop,» because more people take tours of it than attend it, Hawke is the very picture of grief, remorse and guilt, a man of the cloth questioning his faith, whether he's lived a purpose - filled life, and if the death he sees just over his shoulder will have any value either.
I'm not questioning your faith..
«We have seen how important the Internet is, especially young people questioning their faith, and this provides them with another resource with a different focus,» said Jesse Galef, communications director for the Secular Student Alliance.
The idea for the hotline sprang up after calls came in to the Recovering from Religion phone line from people who were questioning their faith and needed to talk to someone.
Should add that this series of posts is great and not questioning your faith, but at the end of all the searching, the questions may not have an answer, or answers that satisfy, but going forward the only choices are not to give answers that are not answers or to abandon things.
Whenever I'm struggling with doubts about God or questioning my faith, I make sure to avoid my most notorious faith crisis trigger: war movies.
All the commentaries embraced the all - too - popularized belief that James is questioning faith in the absence of works, when in reality he is questioning the absence of works in his audience's walk given their faith or having taken their faith at face value, and is simply urging them to «get to work», (Eph 2:10).
He isn't questioning the faith or salvation of his audience because of the absence of works; rather he is questioning the absence of works «given'their faith and salvation taken at face value.
The book is a collection of introspective and irreverent essays where Miller writes about everything from questioning his faith to growing up without a father.
Her perspective on how «a questioning faith is not a backsliding faith, but a maturing faith» is applicable to all and really encouraged me this week.
This author in my opinion deep inside is questioning her faith but like a security blanket to a child does not want to get rid of it and is looking for any explanation she can come up with to hold onto it even in the face of the reality that the text that faith is based upon is highly flawed and frankly quite silly.
In mine (Unitarian Universalism), members are expected to engage with their own beliefs and those of extant religious and spiritual traditions, ideally developing a «questioning faith» - One based not on doctrine or creed but on deep, sustained inquiry.
The thing that gets to me is that the person questioning the faith is not seen as an equal - another person with a brain that is to be taken seriously and respected.
Therefore, he is still a Christian, albeit one who is questioning his faith.
So if you go by Christ's actual teachings, Obama is a much better Christian than most of the Christians who are questioning his faith right now.
Your headline is not just misleading, but makes it sound like you're questioning his faith.
Stop questioning the faith of someone else and start focusing on your own faith.
@Kimberly... questioning the «sin» of homosexuality was one of the early things that had me start questioning my faith, back in my more standard believer days.
Actor David Suchet has rejected media headlines which suggested he was questioning his faith.
If he's questioning faith, he's not an atheist?
But my husband reminded me of something that was very true for me - I could not be my true self around those people - nice as they were - because my true self involved questioning their faith.
Well you are just going to ignore the obvious fact that he got hired to inspire people of faith and now he can't do that job and he is openly questioning the faith and they aren't» and shouldn't be expected to pay him to do that.
Are you saying that god in his supposed infinite wisdom is punishing this man for questioning his faith?
Well you are just going to ignore the obvious fact that he got hired to inspire people of faith and now he can't do that job and he is openly questioning the faith in public.
Which shows that for me and many, many others, crises don't lead to questioning your faith or blaming God.
I'm eternally grateful for this upbringing and wouldn't trade it for anything, but there came a time when I began questioning my faith.
The teachers at two different Catholic schools, as well as many years of Cathecism taught me that questioning your faith is a natural and desirable trait, since when your faith wins, it will have grown to be that much stronger.
First my questions were within the parameters of Christianity, meaning I wasn't questioning the faith, just the way things were interpreted, but once I started digging and seeking answers I started questioning the religion itself.
Nobody questioned our faith back then without facing consequences.
You are told that this is moral behavior, and you don't question it... because you are told not to question your faith.
You must question your faith, and you must actively seek answers to your questions.
Reading the comments of internet christians would probably make him question his faith.
The mere fact that you would say something like that shows that you A) have never even questioned your faith (which is a bad thing), and B) don't know a single atheist.
The president has said time and time again that he is a Christian, who are you to question his faith.
By the way, I cite the Bible because you and others question the faith of Speaker Boehner and other conservatives, including Republicans.
His faith group is the type to shun those that dare question their faith.
«Absolutely no one questions the faith of the guy who is playing Satan in the church Christmas pageant.
John good question thats why i like this site because you can ask questions like that and not be judged for even thinking it.We should discuss these issues if we feel threatened by these questions our faith is nt very secure.brentnz
Honest people question their faith.
You missed it by that much — «If a person has never seriously questioned their faith they do not have any».
In fact at the meetings in NYC it is more common to question faith or have no faith at all than to be a believer.
We can pretend that we are all perfect and holy on the outside and that we never question our faith but I believe that alienates others more than when we are transparent and real... so, yes I think that this website speaks out against leaglism in volumes.
It's absolutely wonderful that he's gotten under your skin and presumably will make you question your faith.
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