Sentences with phrase «questioning orthodoxies»

And it feels weird to me for people to proclaim their independent spirit and yet take what any one figurehead says as gospel — isn't being indie about questioning orthodoxies and not creating new ones?
Karl Barth was a creative, innovative theologian, so much so that Calvinists of strict observance question his orthodoxy, and a Thomist - inspired Matthew Rose reads Barth as beholden to modern assumptions («Karl Barth's Failure,» June 2014).
It's so easy to sing along to that you could be forgiven for not questioning the orthodoxy (how sure are we that there will be a big, big yard for playing football in heaven?).
As you turn it is inevitable that you should question orthodoxies, be suspicious of opinions that serve the interests of those who adopt them, and explore the problems that confront us without fear of being proven wrong.
THE epithet «denier» is increasingly used to bash anyone who dares to question orthodoxy.
Unfortunately, relative to climate science, whoever takes a skeptical position in the debate, or even question orthodoxy, would immediately be labeled a big oil shill, discredited, and displayed in the proverbial town square to be mocked and ridiculed; ultimately to be branded a heretic.
For those who question the orthodoxy, AGW is not (yet) unequivocal, and its signal is not (yet) discernible, and its consequences are not (yet) known to be dangerous, and so on.
Today's IPCC has been perverted by a political process that marginalizes Science and marginalizes scientists who question the orthodoxy.
Perhaps there will be a cascading effect from all the papers published in the last year that will allow more of a willingness to present papers that are questioning the orthodoxy.
They are outraged that I would dare to question the orthodoxy and the «consensus.»
He stressed that teaching law is not about teaching «the» law but rather «focus (ing) on the goals we seek to achieve through law» and that the «pedagogical propeller» of a law course had to be its «commitment to questioning orthodoxy's privileged place in the creation and perpetuation of legal knowledge.»

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At the end of his essay, Griffiths gives the impression that Pitstick should have limited herself to a school debate with Balthasar over the merits of his theology of Christ's descent rather than raising the formal question of orthodoxy.
At the end of our discussion, I still had one question: «All that being said Father, and granting the necessity, beauty, and orthodoxy of the Council's teachings» how did their implementation go so disastrously wrong in the immediate years that followed?»
It is more because I want Anthony Burgess blotted out as a flaw in the universe: a terrible sin of presumption, orthodoxy might counter, for who am I to question my worth to God?
Questions also are raised about the identity of the church that plays such a major role in the Radical Orthodox account of history, about whether there is a doctrine of providence implicit in it, about the dismissal or ignoring of Protestantism, about the role of Jesus in its Christianity, about the role of Socrates in its Platonism, about its failure to engage with the challenge of modern scientific and technological developments, about how other faith traditions are related to this version of faith, and about whether this is a habitable orthodoxy for ordinary life.
Feminist and liberation theologians have questioned the new orthodoxy's valorization of divine helplessness, expressing concern over whether the emphasis on God sharing our abuse and death may underwrite our own passive acquiescence to violence.
And he seemed really to be asking questions, not giving her an exam for orthodoxy.
He refused to answer my question about his own conversion to Orthodoxy.
You know: the subject of God's love is not an either / or question in the face of orthodoxy.
The crucial question is what impact Orthodoxy may have on them.
Hence if Wojtyla is going to ask and answer seriously the question of what it is like to be a Christian, he has to start off with the traditional doctrines; he has to start off with pure, uncompromising orthodoxy.
Now if we consider the question of what it is like to be a believer, and if we mean by a believer someone fully formed by orthodoxy, we have to admit that there are very few believers out there.
Along the way, Protestants demonstrated what Catholics already knew» namely, that the Bible never stands alone but, even in its translation, is situated in a web of relationships that involve the authority of church leaders and questions about who has responsibility for determining orthodoxy.
That the question is a viable one points to something that may be less obvious to those outside of Orthodoxy's circle, and that is that the Orthodox in America are in the process of figuring out just who we are.
But I've come to see the question as mostly the fault of the Orthodox themselves, who have not quite figured out how to convey that Orthodoxy — being Christianity — is for everyone and doesn't require a particular cultural identification.
The condom has become a symbol of freedom and - along with contraception - female emancipation, so those who question condom orthodoxy are accused of being against these causes.»
Change or Die will become the mantra of those that deeply question the rightness or utility of so many orthodoxies (and unorthodoxies too).
The book of Job is an excellent example of a dialogue which questions much of absolute orthodoxy.
Questions about Haggard's orthodoxy have been raised enough by serious sources that I feel he should be put here.
Those of us outside Rome and Orthodoxy should note that the question of where the one true Church resides is not quite the problem that Mr. Nuechterlein says it is.
Only so, it would seem, was the certitude of orthodoxy attained; when questions of his reality and his nature had been honestly met, then, and then only, could the best thinkers affirm: «All the gods of the nations are vanities; but the Lord made the heavens» (Ps.
Growing religious diversity and the loosening of confessional orthodoxy have meant that Americans can no longer expect to deal with public political questions from a common theological perspective.
Questions about the unity and authorship of a book can not be settled in terms of a scholar's orthodoxy but solely on the basis of his competence in assessing the evidence.
He punctured the complacent acceptance of the current orthodoxy with insistent questioning — «Why?»
Especially is this so, as long as there remains a certain hangover from the not so distant past when orthodoxy was virtuous, doubt was appalling, and heresy was morally wicked, if, then, without being repelled by the wide range of disagreement and uncertainty among Christian people, we ask questions about their idea of God, we shall expect to receive diverse answers.
I infer from Kevin Martin's questions about papal power that he thinks that Dostoevsky would have balked at John Paul's anti «Communist mission, even though Russian Orthodoxy was among its major beneficiaries, because papal realpolitik is un «Christian and should never be enlisted even in the cause of Christ's Kingdom, which is not of this world.
I would encourage you to read «Surprised by Joy», and to also read GK Chesterton's «Orthodoxy», which also examines these questions in a very broad sense and then leads to how Chesterton eventually came to believe in Christianity.
The absurd notion that questioning is good but finding (or even desiring) answers is bad, far from being the bright idea Greenberg pretends it to be, is precisely the false orthodoxy of today in academia.
But to my mind the important question for believers is not whether liberalism is creative but whether orthodoxy is.
Here's a question that challenges orthodoxy: What makes you assume that the «word» is the «Bible»?
Rather it means that I have a special responsibility to question it, I have less of a responsibility to deal with the contradictions of Methodism, Lutheranism or Eastern Orthodoxy.
In «A Closed Question and Ecumenism Now» (Public Square, October), Richard John Neuhaus asserts: «Mainly because of the fragmented condition of Orthodoxy itself, the healing of the millennium - old breach between Rome and the East will not likely happen anytime soon.»
These are worthy ideas, but where is the call to question the contemporary orthodoxy of growth?
Which raises the question: what happens if they stray from party orthodoxy?
Previous crises have been accompanied by radical questioning of existing political and economic orthodoxies.
Leonard goes on by stressing that it is particularly worrying that «Germany's leaders are now trying to treat foreign politicians who question German orthodoxy the same way they treat their own populists».
He's also gone against GOP orthodoxy by questioning whether high - volume hydraulic fracturing is safe enough.
Karl Hoenke questions whether we should adhere to the medical orthodoxy of completing a course of antibiotics, suggesting that this might encourage the emergence of resistant bacteria rather than discourage it (13 June, p 25).
Karl Hoenke questions whether we should adhere to the medical orthodoxy of completing a course of antibiotics, suggesting that this...
Bettany's Darwin is not someone who falls away from religious orthodoxy because such questioning comes easily to him, but because his scientific investigations have radically altered his way of looking at the world, whether he likes it or not.
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