Sentences with phrase «questions about intent»

This book offers parents a guideline that supports keeping the focus on the children by asking evocative questions about intent, goals, desires for success for the children.

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The move caused China's entire yield curve to drop 15 basis points and raised interesting questions about the PBOC's policy intent.
On the second day of deliberations, the jury asked what «fraudulent intent» meant, and asked clarifying questions about the definition and scope of assets under management.
The agriculture minister's background as a paid union organizer raises serious questions about the real intent of Bill 6.
Concerning matters not explicitly clear in the Qur» an, the Sunnah is the secondary, supplementary source; and when the answer to questions needs further clarification the third source for Muslims is reasoning about the intent of the Qur» an and Sunnah by those men who are recognized as having the training and experience which qualifies them to reason properly.
«On a day», the paper continued, «when Francis delivered a warm address to his cardinals and continued to project [my italics] humility» (for all the world as though the new Pope were performing some kind of PR operation) «the Vatican seemed intent on quickly putting to rest questions about the Pope's past, dismissing them as opportunistic defamations from anticlerical leftists.
This has been encouraged by our knowledge of the different sources of the Bible, by the development of form criticism and its insights and speculations into the early stages of the formation of the Gospels, by questions about the «original» intent of passages before they were set in their present literary context, by questions of «what really happened», and by the attempt to unravel diverse strands of tradition in both Old and New Testaments.
I honestly question Ms. H's statement about having been in AA and saying Jesus was mentioned ~ I think there is intent in her book that is not credible.
The Evolution of Adam not only answers just about every question I had after Enns» Biologos lecture, but also includes a lengthy and thoughtful treatment of the apostle Paul's Adam, again seeking to understand Paul's intent within his unique context and culture.
But this may be taken to mean either that questions about the language should be met by clarifying the intent and the effect of the proclamation as a whole, or that the language should be modified if it hinders the message.
«When it comes to «suffering for no reason,»» the book of Job «seems intent on reminding us that questions about the world, human existence, and God necessarily remain open.»
During the events of the weekend when the president said he preferred people linking arms in «unity» compared to kneeling in protest, questions also swirled about the lack of conversation from the White House centered around global issues, and why the president seemed intent on focusing on the sports world.
She's right; it really doesn't have to be that way (and the idea of going into a marriage with «a lot of intent and questioning your own assumptions» is exactly what Susan Pease Gadoua and I are writing about in The New I Do: Reshaping Marriage for Cynics, Commitaphobes and Connubial DIYers).
But if you pay attention and go into with a lot of intent and questioning your own assumptions about why you're supposed to do anything... it just doesn't have to be that way.
While Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his counterparts from California and New Jersey seemed dead - certain about the tax bill's intent, there are still an array of questions about how states would respond.
«China had questions about U.S. «intent» — especially as concerned missile defense and rhetoric about «space dominance» — and the U.S. had questions about Chinese «intents
The details of what exactly happened can not easily be summarized, because questions remain to this day — about her intent, her involvement, and the story's primary concern, her character.
The question of authorial intent is extremely relevant to Professor Marston And The Wonder Women (B --RRB-, writer - director Angela Robinson's biopic about Wonder Woman creator William Moulton Marston and the two women with whom he shared his life.
Ultimately, the exhibition's intent is less about the artwork and more about the specific set of questions that arise.
I only use this technique when students have had the opportunity to write about and / or talk with others about the discussion question because the intent is not to catch them off guard but to provide them with opportunities to contribute.
Because movement conservatives of that time such as William F. Buckley Jr., and Barry Goldwater didn't view state - sanctioned racism as the great moral question that it was, because their fetish for preserving tradition led them to believe that the federal government didn't have the obligation to address segregation, because of their concerns about communism and the expansion of federal government, and because they viewed the civil disobedience by activists such as Martin Luther King (as well as their push to force social change) as an affront to the order they craved, they essentially gave succor to Jim Crow segregationists even if that wasn't their original intent.
Although parents seemed to care about and ask questions regarding the quality of academics, school representatives did not seem intent on discussing the academic performance of their students or explaining how and why their schools performed better academically than others.
I began questioning this interpretation after re-reading the navigation document section of the Content Documents specification, as it only talks about the hidden attribute lacking any meaning outside the spine, so opened a bug to figure out what the intent actually was.
If you have questions about the meaning or intent of this letter, you may reach me at [phone number] or write to the above address.
In such cases although you may not loose much cash [as you don't have much in the account], there could be serious questioning by authorities about your intent.
In the wake of the PlayStation 4K «Neo» leak and the subsequent confirmation, there are still plenty of questions that need answering, and we're intent on bringing you everything we can about the new hardware and especially what it means for owners of the existing PS4.
The smaller - scale work at Half Gallery has the signature aspects of those earlier paintings, but raises questions about her larger intent.
While associated with various art movements, Clemente dodges labels, intent on posing questions about the timeless themes of truth, reality, and being.
But important questions were raised on Monday about the effort's efficacy and intent.
Fundamental skills required in efficient reading comprehension are knowing meaning of words, ability to understand meaning of a word from discourse context, ability to follow organization of passage and to identify antecedents and references in it, ability to draw inferences from a passage about its contents, ability to identify the main thought of a passage, ability to answer questions answered in a passage, ability to recognize the literary devices used in a passage and to determine its tone and mood, and finally ability to determine writer's purpose, intent, and point of view, and draw inferences about the writer.
So, the question appears to be both about the absolute legality of the woods and the intent of the party who filled in the forms.
Since the sun looks to all intents and purposes that it is about to take it's afternoon nap then I think we can expect the question of when and at what rate to be answered quite soon.
Addressing Friday's announcement, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R - AK), Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, declared: «If there were any lingering questions about whether the Obama Administration is intent on decimating America's coal industry, this should answer them.»
The intent of the working group is to further the new insights that call into question the prevailing view about the nature and causes of changes in the width of the tropic
That determination raises the same questions about the various level of intent that Penn State had set themselves to judge Mann.
The intent of the working group is to further the understanding of new insights that call into question the prevailing view about the nature and causes of changes in the width of the tropics.
But, Patrick87 rightly notes that it isn't clear if the form in question is legally binding lease extension, or simply constitutes an expression of present intent that you retain the right to change your mind about.
I was being intentionally vague about the mechanism but certain about the intent and effect, in an effort to concentrate responses on the bullet pointed questions.
It may be that due respect for legislative intent is reflected not in semantics or presumptions about what sort of review attends a question of law, but in realistically defining what is a question of law (as compared to exercise of discretion or mixed fact and law).
While there are substantial differences in terms of benefit levels and intent, the best burial insurance does mimic in many ways standard life insurance policies and that includes questions about your health.
Participants also answered questions about criminal activities including: «intentional destruction of property, theft of items worth less than $ 50, theft of items worth more than $ 50, other property crimes, attacking someone with intent to seriously hurt them, and selling illegal drugs.»
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