Sentences with phrase «questions as»

I would like to beg you, dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language.
Those are my questions as well.
I love the illusion of method here and the effort to cast murky questions as matters of factual error.
I soon realized after reading much of the science and research (I am a Computer Science Grad) that science theorizes and tries to disprove god but very intelligent people know that science does not disprove god and that evolution has lots of unanswered questions as well as the big bang.
These questions as well the question of relevance of such creativity will need to be addressed separately.
If we see such questions as wrong, the only alternative is follow without questioning or understanding what their perspective is grounded in.
Perhaps just not the same fields of study» Second — if one can't see these questions as an exercise in thought and rationale then that person has failed the test... placing opinion in the mix as to thwart the morons is just another test to see truly how moronic people can be!
Everything he does is as «an example to be imitated» In verses 1 - 13 he asks 16 questions (I think it's 16) He gives not answers to them but leaves us to answer the questions as if we have no authority.
The issues of chief difficulty arise at the point of questions as to whether Jesus expected the Kingdom to come on earth or only in some realm beyond earthly history, and in the latter event, whether he expected earthly history to end very soon by a catastrophic divine intervention when he himself would return in glory to reign over a transfigured world.
I'm sure that many people who don't believe as you do, have questions as to why and how you could believe in a deity that is so dysfunctional, repressive, and intolerant.
For it is the discriminating norms of justice which are used to delineate the questions as to what is mine and what is thine.
Academic theologies (with their focus on such questions as method, the disciplinary status of theology in the modern university, the relationships of theology and religious studies, and the development of public criteria for theological language) are obviously related principally to the public of the academy.
The Bible clearly lays the answers to the foundational questions as it relates to origins, life, meaning, purpose and eternal life.
But I asked some follow - up questions as well, to see if she was in any way relying on her past, present, or future good works in order to earn, prove, or keep her eternal life.
In this collection of essays he addresses questions as various as marriage and divorce, immigration policy, and the importance of national holidays.
Undoubtedly a certain insight was promoted in regard to such questions as how the papal primacy and the episcopacy founded by Christ can exist and work together in the Church, how the necessity of the Church for salvation is compatible with the possibility of salvation of a human being who does not belong to it, how in the realm of grace each of the regenerate can depend on every other and so above all on Mary, while there is nevertheless only one mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ.
I actually respect those who ask the questions as long as they do it in a irenic spirit.
It comes down to the same two questions as before: do they reinforce Christian themes?
On what basis can one walk through these questions as a Christian?
Robinson himself raised such alarming questions as: Have we come to the end of theism?
I didn't know until recently that other people who although drawn to Jesus and his teachings were asking many of the same questions as well.
Yet they largely agreed with the fundamentalists on such questions as biblical inerrancy, the Virgin birth and the physical resurrection of Jesus.
If my interpretation is wrong, verse 19 raises important questions as to its manifest reality among believers.
I finished reading The Shape of Sola Scriptura last week, and with his emphasis on creeds and the teaching office of the church, it made me ask a few related questions as the one above.
Set in the Belgian Congo in the early 1960s, the Price family, who are Baptist missionaries there, must come to grips with these questions as they learn the realities of this central African land.
After studying Christian history, she concluded that she knew too little about the Orthodox Church, so I answered her questions as best I could.I also admonished her to discover the Church through its....
Recently adapted into film by Martin Scorsese, this novel wrestles with similar questions as The Poisonwood Bible, but in a very different era: seventeenth century Japan.
Theologians usually misstep when they react to current moods, unless it is to take today's questions as an opportunity to think about eternal truths.
It was out of the very soil of these acts of service that there arose questions as to His identity.
In bypassing questions as to the practice of the early Church in this matter it insists that the motive for celibate priesthood is found in the words and the mystery of Christ: «Perfect and perpetual continence for the sake of the
The earlier tendency to dismiss these questions as irrelevant to the «truly urgent» issues is fading.
The most painful part of the process, though, was when friends and well - meaning mentors dismissed my questions as silly, or, even worse, questioned whether my doubt was nothing more than an attempt to justify some sort of secret sin in my life, usually pride.
Occasionally I get some ministry related questions as well.
My favorite line is to tell them that, in any belief system they decide to get into, ask as many questions as you can — the hardest ones you can find.
That said, it shouldn't come as a surprise if many others would have the same questions as they're fairly obvious questions.
Untutored people who raise such questions as «Why should I wear a tie when it doesn't serve any purpose?»
But had the same questions as early as five years old.
It is no accident that Percy summons Flannery O'Connor to such questions as well; but unlike her, he does not anchor his response in St. Augustine and St. Paul (we have here no abiding place) nor in St. Thomas, whose argument is insistent that the poet's, the artist's, responsibility is to the good of the thing being made, not with the correction of appetites in his audience.
In fact, if you've read this with any mental focus at all, you should have a hundred times as many questions as when you started.
But they seem to be clueless on such questions as «what is a human person», and «Who (not «what») are we?»
I moved toward an intimate relationship with Jesus — which taught me all I needed to know about the most important questions we as humans ask.
Americans need answers to these questions as we debate electing a Mormon CULT LEADER to be our president.
But again, God is just, so questions as to «What about the baby that is born to a society that has never heard of Jesus?»
Ask twice as many questions as answers, and take heed of James» advice to «be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.»
Before a sales presentation, it is best to ask as many appropriate questions as possible.
Using these questions as your guide, create detailed profiles for each of the personas you've identified.
When APEC was first established in 1989, it posed as many questions as it offered answers.
I have heard this in answering questions as well as in discussions regarding buyer persona and buyer insight development.
Just be sure to do your research and ask as many questions as possible.
Well written and researched questions as well as relevant interviewees can return a win for everyone.
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