Sentences with phrase «questions of a sexual nature»

KINSEY opens with the face of Peter Sarsgaard in close - up looking directly into the camera and asking questions of a sexual nature.
Despite this, the judge decided that the father could directly cross examine the mother, as long as he did not ask any questions of a sexual nature.

Not exact matches

Thus both history and the very nature of the sexual question have guaranteed that the church will be more involved in this area than in most other areas of human life.
The question is, once this sexual - orientation structure collapses, what will come to replace it: the queer theorists» nihilistic anything - goes ethic, or the classical Christian view from which all of this is a departure, the view that takes the marital - procreative as its end and organizing principle, evaluating passions against nature rather than vice versa?
Johnson concludes that «there is probably a complex «biology of sexual orientation,» but there are alos developmental and psychological processes in earl childhood, as well as culturally bound determinants throughout life, that contribute to the way each individual experiences sexual orientation... Therefore, the question of «essentialism versus constructivism» (basically, nature vs. nurture) presents us with a false dichotomy.
Along the way, they delve into such essential questions as whether humans are biologically compelled to make myths; what is the evolutionary connection between religious ecstasy and sexual orgasm; what do Near Death Experiences reveal about the nature of spiritual phenomena; and how does ritual create its own neurological environment.
Eve Sedgwick observes that despite its personal nature, sexual orientation has become a question of authority and evidence in our society.
The ability to provide services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and questioning (LGBTQ) youth begins with an understanding of the nature of gender and sexual orientation, correct terminology, basic knowledge of the «typical» experiences of the population, and an awareness of the increased risk factors experienced by these youth.
It is best not to ask questions about the specifics of the sexual nature of the affair.
Openly addressing the all - too - human questions of sexual development, sexual desire, and the nature of the adolescent's developing sexual identity are critical.
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