Sentences with phrase «questions on the consequences»

«There's substantial disagreement on possible future yields of energy crops,» he said, as well as questions on the consequences of growing biofuels on water supply.

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It's a way out for them to get out of social situations they don't feel comfortable in, while allowing them to not have to suffer consequences or answer a million questions about where they were or what was going on.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was questioned on the issue in Wednesday's press briefing, but only promised «near - term and long - term consequences» regarding China's militarization of the South China Sea.
Find out the answer to this question and learn about the consequences of defaulting on different types of... Read more
Not many ex-Communists in fact posed this question, because to do so would be to undermine the presupposition that binds Marxism with all modern forms of moral calculation; «the utilitarian attention to consequences rather than to actions themselves is liable to lead to a continuous evaluation of the present only as it leads on to some future.»
In this way of conceiving evangelicalism the issues may be focused on questions of anthropology where the basic starting point is an Augustinian tradition of human inability (the «bondage of the will») leading as a necessary consequence to the classic Reformation articulations of election and predestination.
Gore immediately deferred to the court's decision — and liberals thereby reaped the consequence of having established the court as the last word on so many major questions.
Whether the innocent suffer because of natural disasters (like earthquakes) or because the consequences of human folly and injustice (like wars and revolutions) do not fall only on the guilty, the burden of suffering is so heavy that praising God seems not only out of the question but also a violation of our moral sense.
Still, no matter where one stands on these questions, Wuthnow's After the Baby Boomers offers an important read on a matter of consequence.
This understanding of the limited scope of scientific method had been generally accepted since Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (1781); but in nineteenth - century evolutionary parlance it took on the specific meaning that «all beginnings and endings are lost in mystery,» a phrase that became commonplace in the sciences and social sciences as a way of dismissing or circumventing probing questions that sought to assess the larger implications or consequences of scientific analysis.
Anderson focuses on three questions: «What is marriage, why does marriage matter for public policy, and what are the consequences of redefining marriage?»
I was raised with no church, and that came with its own problems (, so I'm coming at the whole question from the angle of knowing how serious the consequences are of giving up on religion, for individuals and societies both.
Sociological theology has focused on questions of justice, but as it has recognized that the effects of human beings on their environment are having seriously deleterious consequences for humanity, it has extended its concern to questions of the sustainability of human society.23 Yet in practice the difference of the amount of attention given to these two issues of justice and sustainability still leads to opposing judgements on important issues.
I really feel for those who are struggling with adultery and it seems the reoccuring question is the same.Will God forgive me if i have committed adultery and the answer is yes we all are sinners and we all have sinned no sin is worse than the other to God.If you are feeling bad because for what you have done then it is the holy spirit drawing you to him repent and turn from your sin.God wants all of us to draw near to him to get our hearts right to stop making the same mistakes over and over again.If you feel weak he gives the strength to deal with it rather than trying sort it out on our own.He forgives us because he loves us but we may have to bear the consequence of our sin like David and his family suffered for his choices regarding his affair with bathsheba but God forgave him for his sin.
She's hardly an equal opportunity hater; on almost every question of consequence she's on the left.
On the other hand, questions of value, intent and consequence apply to humanity and its cultures in ways we do not and can not apply to nature.
Not only does Robert Chisholm explain the biblical text in a way that makes sense and reveals the cultural, historical, and grammatical contexts of Judges and Ruth, he also deals with modern questions that the text address, such as the issues of female leadership, the consequences of spiritual compromise, and the often bewildering actions of God in relation to His people on earth.
If the notion of revelation is to be of any real consequence to us, it must offer some response to our questions about the purpose of human existence on this planet.
Out of prudence, I held back, but the understanding seemed to settle upon me: that the price of my membership in the congregation was to preserve my silence in the synagogue on the issue that I regarded, more surely with each passing year, as the gravest question of moral consequence before us.
Farmers are also usually involved at the local level in directly deciding on standards adopted, questions of certification as well as consequences for irregularities based on pre-agreed upon guidelines for managing non-compliance.
Note: I wrote a follow - up post to this called More questions than answers: A follow - up on economic consequences of breastfeeding.
Ask curiosity questions, to help children explore the consequences of their decisions, rather than imposing consequences on them.
ROBIN KAPLAN: And that actually leads in to our next question Kristina, so Laura had posted on our facebook page, what are the pros and cons of pumping to freeze or to donate versus leaving it just to be to control your oversupply but possibly suffering engorgement or leaking as a consequence?
Of course, the consequences for ignoring the limits will be different depending on the age of the children in question.
One question from the audience, which challenged Mr. Perry on the consequences of Africa's coming demographic growth, hinted at inevitable disaster.
But Scottish voters ought also to reflect on the consequences of a «no» vote and, ideally, British politicians should also address this question.
Nour's background in technology and public policy not only makes her uniquely qualified to speak on these questions, but she was also on the street as the revolt happened, risking the consequences of standing up for her beliefs and the rights of her people.
So, the question remains: Does engaging hundreds of millions of people on the subject of conflict in central Africa «help» despite not actually confronting the root causes and longterm consequences, i.e. can it be celebrated as step, however small, in the right direction for social media, political activism and raising awareness about African issues?
If you stir in legislation such as the European Referendum Act 2015 which set the question to appear on the ballot paper but failed to address the legal consequences of a vote to leave, and the anomalies thrown up by the Fixed Term Parliaments Act 2011, not least the ability to avoid a fixed - term, then the unsatisfactory basis upon which the country has gone to the polls three times in the last three years is underscored.
And although a study was able to show that political rumors can have a consequence on how people vote when they believe the rumors about a candidate, the question is if fake news are able to convince people in the first place.
He said: «This government therefore observes with caution that though the erecting and closing of these gates may be desirable, the consequences on the overall urban efficiency, aesthetics and functionality of the city and especially traffic flow poses questions difficult to answer.
TL; DR: The answer to «why» is because limits on freedom of expression makes the regime less disliked (your question is confusing cause and effect - the popularity of the regime is a consequence of limits on free expression) and reduces both the effort required to stay in power and the likelihood that it falls out of power.
Monday 11 March 2013 2.30 pm Oral Questions Plans to tackle inequality in income and wealth in the UK - Lord Dubs Consequences for access to justice for those who will not be able to receive free legal advice on social welfare law matters from 1 April - Lord Bach Future railway re-openings - Lord Faulkner of Worcester Progress towards achieving the projected increase in the size of the UK's reserve forces - Lord Rosser Legislation Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill - Report stage (Day 4)- Viscount Younger of Leckie Short Debate Recommendations of the Francis Report into the Mid-Staffordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Lord Patel Short Debate Impact of NHS innovation and research strategies on health improvement and wealth creation - Lord Kakkar
On the Moreland Commission question, an additional round of criticism from another candidate was a negative consequence for Cuomo of the multi-candidate format he insisted oOn the Moreland Commission question, an additional round of criticism from another candidate was a negative consequence for Cuomo of the multi-candidate format he insisted onon.
In the context of the debate on MPs» pay, 72 candidates answered our questions on the financial consequences of entering the Commons and of being a candidate.
The term «West Lothian question» refers to issues concerning the former ability of members of parliament from constituencies in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to vote on matters that affect only people living in England and therefore have no direct consequence on their constituents, whilst being unable to influence matters that affect their own constituencies.
Alan also questions him on his recent endorsements and the consequences of political endorsements in general.
This year, there are two constitutional questions and a bond act on the Nov. 4 ballot for voters to ponder, with possible consequences stretching many years and billions of dollars into the future.
Impact on Evolution Debates over whether to label viruses as living lead naturally to another question: Is pondering the status of viruses as living or nonliving more than a philosophical exercise, the basis of a lively and heated rhetorical debate but with little real consequence?
Should you refuse to answer a question, the consequences will really depend on the situation.
The danger of uncontrollable and irreversible consequences necessarily raises the question of whether it is feasible to extract CO2 from the atmosphere on a large enough scale to affect climate change.
The film bravely asks us to question our own moral standpoint, our thoughts on the consequences of murder, our human need for revenge as a society and our own moral truth on justice.
The lesson covers topical issues and ask questions that really focus the students on the moral consequences of slavery.
But the question consuming virtually all oxygen is what will become of NCLB's calling card, namely its tough rules on standards, assessments, and consequences?
«Clearly, there is a great need for rigorous evaluation research, which should focus both on the impact of school discipline reforms and on their potential unintended consequences,» the authors note, emphasizing that reducing suspensions is a starting point in effective school discipline reform but that changing school culture can have «spillover» effects on teachers and peers which raise important questions for further study.
When students are shown how to gather information, question what appears obvious, and think through possible consequences, they'll be able to make decisions based on facts, not myths or propaganda.
Here we were motivated by questions about (1) district antecedents of school leaders «efficacy, and possible differences in the antecedents of individual as compared with collective leader efficacy, (2) consequences of school - leader efficacy for leader behavior, as well as school and classroom conditions, and (c) effects of leader efficacy on student learning.
The American Prospect — a self - described «liberal intelligence» magazine — featured last week a question and answer, interview - based article with Jesse Rothstein — Professor of Economics at University of California — Berkeley — on «The Economic Consequences of Denying Teachers Tenure.»
However, most of these tests are multiple choice, standardized measures of achievement, which have had a number of unintended consequences, including: narrowing of the academic curriculum and experiences of students (especially in schools serving our most school - dependent children); a focus on recognizing right answers to lower - level questions rather than on developing higher - order thinking, reasoning, and performance skills; and growing dissatisfaction among parents and educators with the school experience.
He and two other researchers recently published a paper questioning the practice, titled «The Legal Consequences of Mandating High Stakes Decisions Based on Low Quality Information: Teacher Evaluation in the Race - to - the - Top Era.»
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