Sentences with phrase «questions over his beliefs»

The evangelical leader announced his resignation on Wednesday night, saying he could not face continued questions over his beliefs.

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A belief can come in as an invited guest, tentative and hypothetical, and end up taking over, dictating which values, open questions and behavioral options get to linger and which must go.
The fact that the new testament is in question over and over within these conversations cast any person's faith; whose beliefs are based in part on comments penned by or for Paul, into question.
This is certainly an interesting article which raises a legitimate question for those of faith as well as for those without any specific spiritual belief system: Does God care who wins and if so, why and how much and what influence does He have over the outcome?
Are you SO indoctrinated that you think everything will end, and your lives will be over, or have no purpose, if you question your religious beliefs.
Avoiding confrontational interactions with audiences over questions related to values or beliefs.
They evaluated the MRIs of 268 men and women aged 58 and over, who were originally recruited for the NeuroCognitive Outcomes of Depression in the Elderly study, but who also answered several questions regarding their religious beliefs and affiliation.
The courage to build relationships and trust even when people are questioning, arguing (even yelling at you), the courage to ask others to change practices, their beliefs and try new things (despite years of experience behind them) and the courage and patience to have very exhausting, confusing and difficult days only to go back to work and start over each and every morning; one conversation at a time, one priority at a time and all the time building your own confidence.
While it appears that the thieves were just a couple of desperately strung out meth abusers and the brutal murders were the work of meticulous Mexican drug cartel members intent on sending a message, even those firm beliefs will be called into question before it's over.
This optimism will hinge strongly on events in Europe this week and moving ahead, but if these trends continue, we should expect a slow and gradual corresponding rise in public belief and concern over climate change, a trend that will be important analyze by comparing findings across multiple survey firms and forms of question wording.
As news of redundancies and pay freezes begins to emerge in the wake of this June's referendum, the results of the latest Big Question survey highlight the widespread concerns over the impact of the vote, with many partners of the belief that layoffs are inevitable.
«It's a bit like asking the same discredited questions over and over again in the belief that if you do so often enough, that reality will finally come around your way.»
Further, it is an open question as to how much participants can meaningfully forgive a transgression on any given day, and future work might assess the associations between belief systems and forgiveness of specific transgressions over time.
The question is, can an investor justify and support the belief that over time, prices will go up and to the right, so to speak.
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