Sentences with phrase «quick birth»

He also said, given how quick my birth turned out to be, I would've been the ideal candidate for a home birth.
The Miles Circuit is a three step process that can be done prenatally or during labor to correct a baby malposition and lead to a quicker birth.
If you know you're at risk of a quick birth, you can also make arrangements to stay in the hospital.
The truth is, some second time mums can consider a quicker birth an easier birth but this isn't necessarily the case.
Just be sure not to brag too much about your quick birth when talking to a mom who labored for 20 + hours.
Moore said a quick birth like Kalbi's ordeal is often called a «precipitous birth,» and frequently is associated with a complication such as a detached placenta.
The body's response may be the fetal ejection reflex resulting in very powerful contractions and a quick birth.
Inside: Five differences between oxytocin and it's synthetic version - Pitocin - that may affect how we experience labor, birth, and bonding.We often call it The Love Hormone, but did you know that oxytocin literally means «quick birth»?
All quick births tea was a meticulous tool along with pelvic excerice
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