Sentences with phrase «quick progress»

She is still adapting to life indoors and will need some continuing potty training although she has made quick progress in the short time she has been in rescue.
The earlier steps focus on primary issues, laying the foundation for quicker progress in later steps.
These pathways allow students to make quick progress on their academic plan, saving them time and money.
You need something that is dependable and shows quick progress so that you can be the parent you want to be.
A more targeted focus not only will greatly increase the likelihood of quicker progress, it also will create confidence that other goals can be achieved in the future.
That could depend on evidence submitted to the police, whose investigation into criminal activity is now expected to make much quicker progress.
This combination of the body remaining resolved yet the ride supple, makes it easy to sustain quick progress on poor roads.
Couples can also make quicker progress when each person is able to say how they see their part of the negative cycle.
It's usually done in 3 blocks of time which facilitates quicker progress than we see with weekly therapy.
Can we be making more and quicker progress in education?
You'll make quick progress and it will improve your grip strength which basically improves every single upper strength body exercise you do.
As in the issues bedevilling British domestic politics this week, the prospects for quick progress are dim at best.
Quick progress updates against tasks and deadlines with simple traffic light status indicators
The Tories» EU referendum bill is being ignored by Labour - and making much quicker progress through the Commons as a result.
While it will not build the strength of hardcore bodyweight exercises such as the planche press up, the standard press up is a truly excellent compound exercise that builds basic upper body strength and allows quick progress to be made so that very soon you can be doing 50 to 100 reps which ensures excellent muscular endurance, core strength and the knowledge that you are in good shape.
Although differences of opinion remain, officials from the countries insist they are making quick progress toward a goal of concluding their talks by the end of May.
Coaker argues It's a measure of the zeal with which they approach the need to make cuts that they have made such quick progress.
«So there's no immediate action here, but it sends a strong message to the Peace Bridge Authority that we expect quick progress on the plaza and we expect it to happen sooner rather than later,» said Ryan.
When learning a new instrument, for example, you might make pretty quick progress in the beginning — perhaps just one or two hours practice and you'll be able to play a simple tune.
Shorter formative assessments — «quick progress checks» — occur throughout the unit after important learning progressions.
Again, this is likely to be a tuning issue; the transmission is set up to deliver solid fuel economy and is happy to pull along in ninth gear on the freeway at very low rpm, but in turn it is reluctant to downshift when called on to pass slower traffic or make quicker progress up a hill.
While you can make very quick progress across ground, no matter how twisting the road, it's very rare the C - class will ever put a smile on your face.
Extracting performance requires use of a big stick, and although (once woken up) it's keen to rev both to and through the 6300rpm that peak power arrives at, sounding good as it does so, quicker progress means keeping busy with the gearstick.
Stick to driving the hybrid system as it was intended though, and the NX can make quick progress just about anywhere.
Snow Mode, and the slightly less restrictive Wet Mode, impressed me the most, turning sloppy inputs into smooth, surprisingly quick progress on even the slickest surfaces.
Book coaches can help you get your book published faster by helping you make quick progress planning your book.
The engine responds instantly to every request from the driver for quicker progress and produces vigorous and almost linear power delivery from just above idle all the way into the higher reaches of the rev range.
There had been rumours that Ramsey actually had intentions of returning to training earlier than the original set date, after his injury showed quicker progress than expected.
And as America itself is fond of quick progress, the exhibition quickly takes us through Hooper's Realistic Surrealism, Pollock's Abstract Expressionism, Lichtenstein's Pop Art, Basquiat's Neo Expressionism all the way to our post 9/11, post econmic crash sense of loss and lonliness.
Essentially, it's a clean - revving four - potter with enough torque low down (peaking at 177 lb ft) to allow quick progress, but happily, performance is still fruitful up top.
Jumping Lunges — 10 reps.. This is hard exercise but after some practice you will see very quick progress.
«The designation of the Airport City as an Enterprise Zone last week underlined the importance of making quick progress on the site and will allow us to move ahead with the development and infrastructure framework.»
William Hague has demanded the Afghan government makes quicker progress in tackling corruption as the Kabul conference gets underway.
But the U.K. needs to make quicker progress on trading arrangements if it wants to persuade businesses such as Goldman Sachs or Airbus not to start moving to the Continent to avoid new barriers to trade and investment.
It's been seven months since Mark Zuckerberg announced his personal challenge for 2017: Travel to the 30 states in America he's never visited and speak with residents — and he's making quick progress.
Open predictions of a withdrawal date are likely to relieve domestic political pressure in the short - term, but the ongoing presence of the Taliban could prevent international forces making the quick progress they need.
A lot of bodybuilders overlook knee safety in the race for a quicker progress and then pay a rather expensive price for it.
However, for any traceur just starting out without this advantage there are still a number of bodyweight exercises that you can incorporate in your training program to ensure that you make quick progress in the tic - tac, wall run, precision jump and other moves that traceurs love.
A strong foundation will allow you to make quicker progress in both size and strength when it comes time to switch to a hypertrophy type programme.
Progression should be just as important as ever, the quicker you progress at this stage the quicker you can get back to your old routine and goals.
The first cohort of children have completed the first year of the programme and over 380 pupils achieved more than 80 % in specially - created tests in reading, writing, listening and speaking, demonstrating their quick progress and commitment.
The report suggests that quicker progress was related to students spending more time on homework, which is related to the increased enjoyment of using interactive and video resources, as well as increased engagement with their own learning.
Writing for the Wales Journal of Education, Professor Mel Ainscow, the Welsh government's SCC «champion», praised the quick progress since the SCC initiative launched in 2014.
In some cases, quicker progress was related to students spending more time on their homework and going beyond what had been set...,» the report notes.
The programme was introduced in September 2016 and the results from the first year show that more than 380 out of 400 pupils achieved over 80 percent in reading, writing, listening and speaking tests, which shows their quick progress and the advanced understanding of the language.
We are driving a relentless effort to boost educational achievement and, critically, to make quicker progress in closing the attainment gap, for example through the # 100m Scotland Attainment Challenge.
It results in a car that does well to carry speed through winding lanes, the chassis ironing out surface changes, enabling smooth and quick progress.

Phrases with «quick progress»

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