Sentences with phrase «quick reheating»

I stored them all in lidded Pyrex containers so they could be quickly transferred to the oven for a quick reheating just before I needed them on party day.
I'm assuming that microwaving would fall under the category of «quick reheating» and not have a negative effect?
Double up the recipe to make for 2 - 3 days in advance for a quick reheat on the stovetop in less than 2 minutes.
For those of you who like options: I blended the soup for dinner last night, so I could bring the leftovers to the studio in a jar for a quick reheated lunch.
These meals can all be prepared ahead of time and then frozen for quick reheats.
Either you want a quick reheat or a longer warming session, a bottle warmer will keep that certain temperature you choose for a long time.
Then each morning simply empty the jar's contents into a pan for a quick reheat and breakfast is ready.

Not exact matches

Make a batch over the weekend and reheat each morning for a quick and filling breakfast on the go.
It's yummy and nourishing, it's easy to make and quick to reheat.
Just reheat (see instructions at end of recipe) in the microwave for a quick breakfast or healthy snack!
Or make it ahead of time and reheat for a quick lunch or dinner!
You could even bake it the night before and reheat it in the morning for a quicker breakfast.
You can easily reheat or freeze the leftovers, making for an quick weekday breakfast.
Quick question — could I make a few days worth of this and freeze it — reheat in the AM?
Lovely for brunch, or perfect to freeze and reheat for a quick breakfast on the go, the blend of sweet and savory make for an irresistible combination in these Apple & Sweet Potato Egg Muffin Cups.
I need something that can either be made a day before and reheated or is crazy quick to prepare in large quantities.
We have a number of quick, go - to breakfasts: Whole wheat pancakes (make ahead and freeze then just pop in microwave to reheat), yogurt and homemade granola, and smoothies are some of our favorites.
Our favorite quick breakfast is reheat left over french toast that I made the weekend prior and fresh cut fruit.
You can make it on the weekends and then freeze in single - serving baggies and reheat for a quick weekday breakfast (microwave for 2 - 3 minutes, breaking it up halfway through) Or just have a bunch of people over and share the love in a messy kitchen.
In fact the table shows the same amount of potato cooked and cooled, eaten cold has less RS than cooked, cooled, then reheated quick and dry.
This makes lunch and dinner so much easier because I have foods I love prepared and I can easily reheat or toss with some other pantry staples for super quick, nutritious meals.
Not order in lazy (at least not yet), but just quick dinners that make good leftovers and can be reheated easily.
This Apple Pie French toast oatmeal is quick, easy and can be prepped in advance and even be frozen and thawed for quick breakfasts which simply needs reheating!
What should be the headliner of this this savory oatmeal is that each component — from the oatmeal to the potatoes to the soft - boiled eggs — can be made and stored ahead of time, then reheated for a week's worth of super quick meals.
Make a batch and freeze them to reheat for a quick breakkie when time is short.
Spaghetti squash is also great to make ahead of time and have the noodles stored in a bowl in the fridge to easily grab and reheat for a quick healthy meal!
Serve immediately with your favorite breakfast sides or slice into squares, store in the fridge, and reheat for quick breakfasts.
Store in the fridge and reheat for a quick healthy meal the next day as well!
As an alternative, a quick 5 - 8 minute reheat in a 350 degrees F oven will also bring the scones back to the right consistency.
Leftover chicken or steak can be reheated with some sautéed onions and garlic and made into instant tacos, not to mention quesadillas and breakfast burritos — two other excellent quick dinner options.
Make this drink on Sunday, and reheat it on busy weekday mornings for a quick and effortless, naturally sweetened, paleo, and vegan matcha latte.
Oven Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Acorn Squash — These Roasted Veggies are so convenient to have around: reheat them and enjoy them as a side or toss them into existing dishes for a quick veggie boost.
I reheated some in the microwave the next morning — quick, easy, and delicious, they met all of my breakfast criteria!
Reheating a square of these bars each morning makes for a quick, easy, and filling breakfast that keeps me full until lunch.
Then, reheat for a quick lunch or dinner.
I pre-bake scrambled eggs with spinach and feta in muffin tins so I can reheat in the microwave for a quick tasty breakfast.
Just reheat in the microwave for a quick breakfast or healthy snack.
Store leftover pasta that has been tossed with the sauce and broccoli in glass tupperware to reheat (or eat cold) during the week for a quick lunch too.
It's cheap, and I can make a lot of it at once and reheat it to eat with rice or grains as a quick dinner during the week when I need something fast before hitting the library.»
I used to make these often for quick breakfasts to reheat.
I would make a meal plan and grocery list, Rob would shop, and the two of us would spend naptime cooking something in the slow cooker, steaming veggies for a hurried reheat later in the week, and storing a sustainable amount of quick cooking foods in the pantry for the week ahead.
I'm going to try to freeze the leftovers and reheat them in the toaster so I can have a quick go to in the morning.
Reheat with a zap in the microwave, or a quick run through the toaster oven.
It's easy to prepare casseroles, soups, pasta meals, breakfast burritos, and many other items all at once, then store them in portion - sized containers in the freezer for quick and easy reheating on a busy weekday.
No «scratch - cooked» food from a central kitchen will ever look or taste like well - prepared food cooked on site, if only because it has to be quick chilled, encased in plastic, frozen and shipped before reheating.
Also they reheat well (use a toaster oven if you can) and are a great hit at parties, but also are good for a quick take and go breakfast.
These cubes can be placed in freezer bags, labeled and sealed, available for quick thawing and reheating.
How about making some crustless quiches: freezing them and reheat in the morning for a quick breakfast, or try some cheerios with lactose free milk, a banana and a sprinkle of walnuts or pumpkin seeds?
I love making a big batch and reheating in the morning for a quick, satisfying, and filling breakfast.
Just reheat and add it to different recipes to make a quick lunch or dinner.
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