Sentences with phrase «quick zap»

Remove apples from fridge and let come closer to room temperature (I gave them a quick zap in the microwave to speed up that process).
Then just a quick zap for the leftover green beans + butternut squash and a few slices of my sourdough with Kerrygold, and dinner was served.
A quick zap in the microwave, followed by a toast under the broiler.
No worries though — a couple tablespoons of almond milk and a quick zap in the microwave will bring the creaminess back, so you can enjoy this salad for days after you make it.
When you're ready to enjoy, defrost one overnight and serve at room temperature — or give it a quick zap in the microwave.
I also gave them a quick zap in the microwave to cook them a little since the pancakes aren't on the heat very long and you don't want to be crunching into raw carrots in your pancakes.
An electric shock mouse trap will deliver a quick zap of energy that eliminates rodents within seconds.
Now it can be up conjured with a quick zap to the brain.
A quick zap to the brain might be the answer.
When you're ready to enjoy, defrost one overnight and serve at room temperature — or give it a quick zap in the microwave.
Then I give one a quick zap in the microwave, usually as a preworkout snack.
To pack them for lunch you simply pull a wrap out of the freezer the night before (or morning of) and when lunch time rolls around you can either eat it at room temp, or remove the foil and give it a quick zap in the office microwave.
It also can work to attract someone who has similar interests with one quick zap.
someone who has similar interests with one quick zap.
One of the best way to say a quick zap.
To put that in perspective, 110 volts is the equivalent the quick zap you get when you rub your stocking feet on a rug then touch someone; 600 volts is equivalent to voltage an electric eel produces, which can stop a heart.
However, a quick zap here and there should help you to get rid of the blood boiling devices, or at the very least turn their ridiculous firepower to your advantage.
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