Sentences with phrase «quickly decreasing milk supply»

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What you want to avoid is increasing solids / decreasing milk supply too quickly, as breastmilk is what baby needs for proper growth, health and brain development through the first year and beyond.....
(If you need to wean quickly, try some of the methods for decreasing milk supply like sage tea along with the steps below.)
Some mothers use sage, parsley, and peppermint to decrease the supply of breast milk and dry up more quickly.
If you're breastfeeding, you'll want to make sure to take it slow — losing weight too quickly can cause a decrease in your milk supply.
If our babies are being filled up on solids too often, too soon and too quickly, some women will notice a decrease in their child breastfeeding and then a decrease in their milk supply.
If you do take pseudoephedrine and notice a drop in milk supply (many moms do not, but research shows that it can decrease milk supply by as much as 24 %), simply stop the medication and take measures to increase milk supply — the problem should resolve fairly quickly.
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