Sentences with phrase «quickly than attorneys»

Experts end up making the process much more efficient by being able to handle issues far more quickly than attorneys are able to.
In contrast, in collaborative divorces, financial professionals will request documents that are tailor - made for this matter, and their familiarity and understanding of finances enable them to review and assess the documents and develop settlement options more quickly than attorneys.
Second, neutral financial professionals are able to gather and analyze the required financial information and documents much more quickly than attorneys can.

Not exact matches

«The 9th Senate district deserves more than someone who offers himself up as a crusading former U.S. Attorney but then quickly becomes part of the corruption in Albany.
«We urge the attorney general and his department to take a thorough look at the many thoughtful comments from concerned citizens and quickly reconsider this approach,» wrote Holt and Rakoff, pointing to more than 250 public comments published in the Federal Register.
When combined with paying bills on time, you can improve your credit score much more quickly than you could without an attorney.
FindLaw's wide range of cutting - edge integrated law firm marketing tools put New Jersey attorneys in a position to grow their firms more quickly than many believe possible.
Working with a knowledgeable brain injury attorney will also provide you with answers to the questions you have been asking and help you achieve results more quickly than if you are working alone.
Together with our ability to think laterally, we can often resolve stubborn issues more quickly and effectively than the lone real estate attorney.
There are few things more stressful than a car accident, and attorney Matt Boulton can quickly give you peace of mind.
The skill set needed is much broader than many attorneys have, and the ability to adapt, absorb and change habits quickly, as well as a good business sense, are all elements needed in today's lawyers.
But according to Steven Gonzalez, a partner at LTL who co-chairs the firm's employment and class action litigation group, LTL's emphasis on efficiency also allows attorneys to build a book of business far more quickly than they might in a large firm.
With more than 35 years of experience, the auto accident attorneys at The Ruth Law Team have the resources to handle your car accident case quickly and effectively.
It may sound obvious, but often times lawyer marketing companies force attorneys into picking from only a small handful of website designs because they would rather quickly replicate their previous website templates via «dragging and dropping» than taking the time to work with you on a personal level.
Also, if you've just been injured, or tragically lost a loved one, you probably want to talk to an actual Orlando car accident attorney (rather than call center) very quickly.
I can also resolve your day - to - day ethics questions quickly, so that your attorneys can work on their cases rather than spin their wheels researching ethics questions.
If your physical injury involves anything more than bumps and bruises that resolve quickly it is probably a good idea to seek the advice of a good and reputable personal injury attorney.
The financial professional serves as a central repository for documents (such as tax returns, checking and savings account statements, retirement statements, investment portfolios, deeds to real estate, etc.) and will review and help clients understand these documents and their options much more quickly (and less expensively) than either of the fiances» attorneys.
The more the spouses fight over custody, support, or property division, the greater their legal fees will be for the attorneys, in that case will have had to spend more of their time on the case than they would have had to spend had the parties settled the disputes more quickly.
His or her expertise in finances enables the financial professional to review and assess the documents and develop settlement options more quickly (and often times at a lower rate) than attorneys.
The financial professional can do these tasks better and more quickly since they are in their field of specialty, and at one billable rate rather than at the two billable rates of each parties» attorney (which tend to be higher than the financial professional's rate).
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