Sentences with phrase «quinone reductase»

Quinone reductase is an enzyme that helps to break down harmful compounds in our body. It reduces a type of molecule called quinones, which can be toxic if they accumulate. This enzyme plays an important role in protecting our cells from damage and maintaining our overall health. Full definition
According to Steven Buhner in his book Herbal Antivirals, «Elder is a potent COX - 2 inhibitor and inducer of quinone reductase.
Furthermore, green tea activates enzymes such as quinone reductase and glutathione, both of which have detoxification properties.
One big reason is that they're good sources of sulforaphane, a potent activator of a little - known, but extremely important antioxidant called quinone reductase.
Finally, study three is also quite insignificant; an increase in quinone reductase will make little difference to acne overall.
In vitro activity of almond skin polyphenols for scavenging free radicals and inducing quinone reductase
Hence, if you increase the activity of quinone reductase, your limited glutathione stocks will be under less pressure to remove toxins, and you will have more glutathione free to protect against acne by hoovering up free radicals.
According to this study, chlorophyll can increase the activity of the phase 2 detoxification enzyme known as quinone reductase.
In vitro induction of the phase 2 enzyme, quinone reductase (QR), was significantly greater for radish sprouts than broccoli sprouts when extracts were self - hydrolysed.
Researchers have determined that isothiocyanates (ITCs) from cruciferous vegetables can activate a wide variety of enzymes that are essential in Phase II detox, including heme oxygenase, aldoreductase, glutamate cysteine ligase, and quinone reductase.
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