Sentences with word «quintuplet»

The parents of quintuplets born in Phoenix last month are praising the health care staff who helped them welcome five healthy babies into the world.
The longest gestation I've discovered was 35 weeks, a record held by the mother of the Stanford quintuplets in Rhode Island.
It looked like on of those sappy, hokey forwards when I opened the email about black bear quintuplets.
Five - seat quintuplet strollers are much less common.
Five - seat quintuplet strollers are available and are a convenient — though pricey — option for transporting quints.
Sometimes extreme higher order multiple pregnancies, such as quintuplets or sextuplets, are also too difficult to count accurately on an early ultrasound.
He negotiated a settlement for the three surviving Dionne quintuplets, who were removed from their parents by the provincial government in 1934 and put on display in Quintland, a commercial theme park designed to boost Ontario's depression - ravaged economy;
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The latest tablet quintuplets start with the puny 2.8 inch sized screen while the biggest tablet comes with a 10.1 inch screen.
The rate of triplets and higher order multiple births (like quintuplets), while rarer overall, has also increased dramatically since 1980 — it's more than quadrupled.
However, one of those eggs split and the pregnancy became quintuplets.
Quintuplets occur naturally in 1 in 55,000,000 births.
After a year of it not working out, they turned to fertility treatments as well, which eventually led to the conception of the only all - girl quintuplets in the country.
«With the methods developed by our colleagues in Vienna and Ulm, we can then prove the further spread of the entanglement to all neighbouring particle triplets, most quadruplets and a few quintuplets.
Almost 30 years after initially skyrocketing to indie cred fame by breaking into the home of furniture magnate Nathan Arizona and making off with one of his newborn quintuplets in Joel and Ethan Coen's Raising Arizona, Nicolas Cage is returning to the baby - snatching game.
Click to enjoy some baby tigers making their debut at a zoo in Hamburg, Germany, baby cheetah quintuplets -LRB-!)
Even the dapperly dressed quintuplet of wascally wedding planners, despite borrowing their attack patterns a bit too heavily from the classic Koopa Kid and mundane midboss Boom Boom, shine in their dastardly determination to keep your meddling misdeeds at bay.
A literary review on multiple pregnancies shows a study done on one set each of septuplets and octuplets, two sets of sextuplets, 8 sets of quintuplets, 17 sets of quadruplets, and 228 sets of triplets.
Surely Archos wants to erase from public memory what their last tablet adventure yielded and they are pinning their hopes on these latest tablet quintuplets to deliver the goods.
After fertility problems they decide to kidnap a just - born quintuplet.
«Supertwins» is a common term for triplets and other higher - order multiple births, such as quadruplets or quintuplets.
If more than two eggs are released, fertilized, and implant, the result is multizygotic multiples, higher order multiples such as triplets (3), quadruplets (4), quintuplets (5), sextuplets (6), septuplets (7), octuplets (8), or even more, although no multiples beyond octuplets have ever been known to survive.
By doing a search on any of the groupings, twins, triples, quadruplets, quintuplets, and so on, you can find information and videos of births.
In 2005, the National Vital Statistics report for the US reported 68 quintuplets and higher order multiples.
You can find many online discussions of what people would name twins, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, and octuplets.
In 1934 a Canadian family by the name of Dionne had quintuplets (five little girls in this case) and it was so rare that the babies were taken away from the parents and put in the custody of a doctor who displayed them as a tourist attraction.
[10] The first quintuplets known to survive infancy were the all - female Canadian Dionne Quintuplets, born in 1934.
Quintuplets are sometimes referred to as «quins» in the UK and «quints» in North America.
On average most single pregnancies last 39 weeks, twin pregnancies 36 weeks, triplets 32 weeks, quadruplets 30 weeks, and quintuplets 29 weeks.
The quintuplets were born at a local government hospital in Ambikapur, in Chhattisgarh, Eastern India.
Danielle Busby gave birth to her quintuplets at only 28 weeks, while Kate Gosselin gave birth to her six babies just shy of 30 weeks gestation.
When the Busbys first brought their quintuplets home, they were required to get up every two hours and feed all their babies.
The most common form of human multiple birth is twins (two babies), but cases of triplets (three), quadruplets (four), quintuplets (five), sextuplets (six), septuplets (seven), and octuplets (eight) have all been recorded with all siblings being born alive.
The average gestation for a quintuplet pregnancy is 29 weeks, as opposed to 40 weeks for a full - term baby.
When we set our sights on that little star near Vega, we're really gazing at quintuplets.
Nicolas Cage stars as the armed robber who falls in love with his prison officer (Holly Hunter) and steals a quintuplet when nature fails to take its course in the baby - making department.
As the quintuplets deal with a wayward hose shooting out compressed air, paint cans leave them all to sport a variety of colorful designs.
So instead of a plot driven by murderous miscomprehensions, they tell the story of a gentle, ex-con husband (Nicolas Cage) and an infertile, maternally obsessed wife (Holly Hunter) who conspire to kidnap a quintuplet on the premise that his real parents already «have more than they can handle.»
11:15 am — IFC — Raising Arizona This relatively early Coen Brothers comedy has Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter as a childless ex-con couple who decide to rectify that situation by stealing one of a set of quintuplets.
The Coen brothers» lunatic comedy about a loving trailer - park couple who kidnap one of five quintuplets to raise as their own captures the distinctive patois — a hybrid of local dialects — and arid poetry of the Grand Canyon State.
Kidnap one of the quintuplets belonging to a wealthy Arizona businessman.
10:00 pm — IFC — Raising Arizona This relatively early Coen Brothers comedy has Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter as a childless ex-con couple who decide to rectify that situation by stealing one of a set of quintuplets.
The quintuplet of friends soon find themselves in the middle of a horror story, unable to escape what turns out to be a ritual killing with a much much bigger picture.
Far from a big name but already a familiar face, she has been a busy working actress since debuting on the 2005 sitcom, «Quintuplets» with Andy Richter.
But she and husband, Don, are parents of quintuplets, so count them among the 17 percent of owners who list passenger capacity as the first reason for buying the full - size utility vehicle.
For all you parents out there who want a larger household than the modern family, your odds of having quintuplets are 1 in 4,960,000.
As Hurricane Harvey lumbered toward Houston, Perkins had one eye glued to her iPhone and the other on TV, watching «Outdaughtered,» a reality show about a family with quintuplets.
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