Sentences with phrase «quirky girl»

I am a fun and quirky girl looking for someone to hang out and have good conversation with.
Also in the group is «Allison» (Kate Micucci) a stereotypical quirky girl who loves to draw comics but has never had the courage to get them published, and «Lindsay» (Tami Sagher) a rich girl who spends all her free time smoking weed in her parents» luxurious brownstone.
When the two friends fall for the same quirky girl, their awkward advancements soon morph into a journey of self - discovery.
Her character is a mentally ill and very quirky girl who is taken care of by her brother Benny (Aiden Quinn).
The last time we saw Sara Paxton on - screen with Healy, she was the adorable, quirky girl trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life.
Sheâ $ ™ s the sort of genuinely quirky girl that many a Jennifer Aniston film strives to portray â $ «and fails.
Hocking's books have been described, in general, as «part quirky girl - like - Hocking characters, part breakneck pacing, part Hollywood - style action and part bodice - ripping romance.»
But Greta Gerwig is very good at quirky and that is what Frances Ha is all about, a quirky girl, or rather a young woman of 27 who can not get over being a quirky girl.
You'll identify with or at least recognize some of the characters: There's the mean - girl cheerleader, Kara; the introspective mysterious foreigner, Jordi; the quirky girl who wears a trilby hat, Emma; and the leader, Leo, who is a teen heartthrob minus the hair (a side effect of chemotherapy).
Zooey Deschanel is the epitome of the cute and quirky girl - next - door look.
Whether you're a quirky girl or total hipster, your accessories can share so much more about you than your clothes.
This site has everything a quirky girl needs, from cat - lover home goods products to clothing with retro vibes.
I love long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and, Oh who am I kidding... what I really love is being myself: the quirky girl who jumped when she saw a Harry Potter dating site, the girl who is willing to try anything once, and the girl who isn't going to wait around for Prince...
Based on Sadwith's own quest to find Salinger and his encounters with the reclusive author, the story is about a sensitive boy, a quirky girl and the road they travel to find not only Salinger but also friendship and the truth about themselves.»
Hollywood has tried to shoehorn her into the muslin slippers of the «quirky girl» in «No Strings Attached» and «Arthur,» but the 28 - year - old actress has managed to forge a varied career that straddles both studio and indie realms.
A cute and quirky girl, Sylvie came from a secret society known as NESTS, who experimented on her to bring out her special abilities.
As for Sylvie, she's a cute and quirky girl, from a secret society known as NESTS, who experimented on her to bring out her special abilities.
Sylvie Paula Paula A cute and quirky girl, Sylvie came from a secret society known as NESTS, who experimented on her to bring out her special abilities.
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