Sentences with phrase «quite averse»

Many men are quite averse to short - term uncommitted relationships and instead desire long - term relationship commitment with a single partner.
I'm quite averse to folks gazing through my soul so I keep my eyes and (and soul I hope) safely tucked behind shades at times.
5) Mooch off friends and family — The independent American in us is usually quite averse to anything that resembles charity, but if you have friends or family available on your trip, feel free to mooch off of them.

Not exact matches

While Russia had been averse to the idea of this new technology for quite some time now - the government has eventually begun to support the tech.
They are quite risk averse and the term sheet was designed to further minimize their risk.
«What happens is that the lower 13 then hire coaches that aren't quite as potentially good, staff that aren't quite as innovative, chairmen who are more risk - averse.
He will point to having Walcott and Giroud already... and quite simply... he doesn't have the «ruthlessness» to ditch anyone of them and try someone new (emotional attachment, risk averse, lack of intellectual honesty).
For the risk - averse and those with less money to invest or who wish to avoid going through the gauntlet of finding bank financing, the advantages of a low - cost franchise are quite appealing.
DS: When we think about the work we did in opening up teacher preparation to non-schools of education, inevitably the reaction was quite strong from the existing schools of education; but it was even cautious from some of those institutions that one might have thought would be less risk - averse.
But I'm not risk averse, I've already put quite a lot into this and I have plenty of other more commercially viable projects to follow up with, so I think I might just helldamnit do it any way.
We have no experience investing in the Netherlands and are quite risk averse.
I'm quite debt averse, so it's always my # 1 goal to wipe out debt and not to think about borrowing unless it's for the right reasons (e.g. taking on good debt vs bad).
The E3 demo revealed what appeared to be quite a central storyline, so spoiler - averse readers may wish to space out to some Creedence Clearwater Revival and Janis Joplin records instead (both artists featured prominently in the demo video; Twitter commentators have pointed out an anachronism in 2K's musical choices, though).
The much vaunted lighting system ends up being little more than an afterthought, unfortunately, although certain areas take advantage of this mechanic quite admirably, with the light averse denizens of No Man's Wharf standing out as giant Bat - like creatures react satisfyingly to the flickering glow of the torch and shadows realistically bounce off the surroundings.Yet it's all just a little flat and not as dynamic as initially expected.
Obviously it can't quite match the DS4 in terms of comfort, and there's no motion - tracking lightbar or use of controller exclusive audio, but it's definitely a suitable substitute if you aren't averse to playing games on a PS Vita normally.
Bar a few obscure indie titles that were clearly coded by one single, cash - grabbing monkey, I own and have finished every noteworthy game eligible to make this list (and, being a hoarder who's averse to deletion, I'm quite sick of buying external hard drives for additional storage).
Cian Conroy, Catapult's business development director, adds: «The offshore wind industry is quite risk - averse and so demonstration projects [such as Batwind] are a key enabler — both crucial to proving the viability and advancing the technology and also pushing ahead the policy agenda that is needed to support wider - scale use of technologies that will make a measurable difference to the offshore wind's cost of energy.»
It struck me that this format may have been adopted to bring risk - averse, precedent - following lawyers to the conclusion that change is actually necessary and, quite frankly, already underway.
For the seafood - averse, a variety of meat and tofu skewers could be spun whimsically through savory, flavored vapors that rose from a fog machine, setting the mood quite nicely.
Family businesses tend to take a long - term view and can be quite risk - averse.
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