Sentences with phrase «quite different children»

Having raised three quite different children, I would like to share two insights with you that helped me quite a bit.

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Exceptions can exist in strange places, but in terms of «musical concepts» there are quite a lot of different ways a teacher could use such words to justify forcing non-Christian children to sing a Jesus song, grinning evilly on the inside at making a Jewish child sing it, for example, and get away with it.
They must give themselves to each other, setting aside their projects, and the child becomes the natural fruition of their shared love» something quite different from a chosen project.
It is also quite different from an understanding of parental nurture aimed principally at «enriching» the lives of individual children.
This paints quite a different picture of Jesus than the one used on most children's» Bibles!
Whoever is familiar with the results of Piaget's research will scarcely doubt that the perception of reality of a five - year - old child is basically different from that of a ten - year - old and that the fifteen - year - old interprets reality again quite differently.
Quite a few of us have stable relationships, raise healthy well - educated children, are free from addiction, vote, volunteer and donate to support causes that help make this society work, live in harmony with people who are different from us — I could go on, but you may get the idea that most of us do things most people would call good and have neither the inclination nor the time to do abominable things.
In her book Empty Cradle Broken Heart, Deborah Davis points out that during pregnancy, mothers and fathers often feel quite different levels of connection to their child.
Because the content of her lunchbox is always very different from most of the children in the class, the beginning of each new school is quite an adjustment, food wise.
It is clear that the messages conveyed to children about specific foods are quite different to the messages conveyed to adults — and importantly parents — about the same foods.
That is was you have written and you call ME DRUNK.Ok how's this - Robert Pires was a good footballer for our club but the fact he had 237 illegitimate children by 236 different womem (he quite liked one of them and they had twins) means he obviously wasn't giving his full commitment to club and us supporters as most of his time he was tipping up any female with a pulse he could lay his hands on.I am also disturbed by the rumours of him and his pet camel.
• One small scale qualitative study (Herbert & Carpenter, 1994) showed mothers» perceiving fathers» reactions to the birth as being quite different from their own; these mothers also often commented on the fathers» inability to discuss the child with them.
The title of my forthcoming book is Kid Food, and while it's going to cover a number of different aspects of our children's food environment, I am quite interested in the specific notion of «kid food» in our society.
Also, your child's appetite can vary quite a bit between different days and depending on how much he or she likes what you serve.
Neither of my children took well to sippy cups at first, as the sucking action required was quite different from breastfeeding.
There are quite a few different things you can try if your older child is jealous of your baby co sleeping with you.
I'm sure most parents of gifted children have found the reality of gifted parenting to be quite different from what they had imagined about being a parent.
Children who have learning disabilities, will be quite different in when they are ready to learn certain things.
The impact of a spanking from a warm and normally flexible parent followed by a reasonable explanation the child can understand, is likely quite different from the impact of spanking from a cold and strict parent with no explanation.
As MoMs we tend to look for each child's unique qualities and therefore see each child as being quite different.
Interactions between mother / child and father / child are also quite different.
The color of stools from formula - fed babies may also appear more yellowish and smell more like older children's poop, while breastfed babies usually excrete a finer consistency of darker shades with some green and brown that smells quite different from the normal poo you're used to.
This is an age group that is quite different because by this time children can be sitting, crawling and starting to walk on their own.
After a year, you will have tried quite a few different ideas for managing stress, learning about your child and connecting with him / her, and reflecting about your own patterns of behaviour!
Being always the oldest mommy, she noticed that her child - rearing decisions and views were usually quite different from the other moms.
Keep in mind that children mature at different ages, and you should be less strict with a 13 - year - old than with a 17 - or 18 - year - old who can't quite seem to be ready early enough to arrive at school before the bell.
While it may be easy to keep up the illusion of Santa (and his cohorts of magical beings with a penchant for gift - giving) when a child is 4 years old, it becomes quite a different story when that child and his friends become older, savvier, and more worldly grade - schoolers.
It's a tremendous privilege to raise children, though for a quite different reason than most of us who are parents imagine.
When your child takes his first teetering steps, you may notice quite a different appearance — his feet may turn outward.
Depending on the country (for example if you live in the UK or USA) it is likely that this name will be quite different and you don't need to be fearful of many other children having the same name.
Your child will know if suddenly their blankie looks much cleaner and smells quite different.
Most children, even given free rein, wind up seeking independence in different forms at their own pace, some quite young (as our other commenters point out).
Clearly, the nutritional needs of an infant are quite different to those of an adult — making the low - fat and low - cholesterol diets recommended for adults often unsuitable for children under 2 years of age.
Ah, now we have shifted the focus away from what the child needs to do to change, to what the mother may now need to do to transform within herself, using this quite different approach.
The Graco Modes can also be used in ten different positions making it quite versatile for a single child.
I know there are some concerns as it is quite a different way to raise children and they only want what is best for the girls.
There are several different types of weaning to choose from, and there are also quite a few different weaning methods that may work for you and your child, too.
Unfortunately, the play experience for today's child is often quite different from that of their parents.
City cyclists with younger kids know that there are quite a few different ways to bike with a child.
I would have thought to phrase it the other way — that breastfeeding reduces the risk but it may be that that is not quite right because not having a child at all may provide a different risk profile.
My grown children were quite different.
Every year the CFF holds its annual meeting in a different city, and over the past decade, Joe O'Donnell has gotten to know many members quite well — volunteers, mothers who have lost a child, others who are on the cusp.
The findings, published in the journal ACS Central Science, shed new light on the underlying mechanisms of CF and could lead to improved prognosis and better therapies for a disease which is quite variable, affecting different children in different ways, say researchers.
Examining all the combinations of smoking status of parents and grandparents with the gender of the children and four different traits is quite likely to generate a chance finding of borderline significance, especially when using a series of different adjustments and not adjusting for multiple comparisons.
George Q. Daley, a stem cell biologist at Boston Children's Hospital, said Dr. Niakan's study of human embryos was «critical because we know them to be quite different from embryos of mice» and other mammals studied in laboratories.
Most people transition quite easily, but I've had digestive issues since I was a child and knew my story would be a bit different.
Even infecting subjects with the same virus is not 100 % proof, because I have almost certainly shared cold viruses with my children with each of us having quite different outcomes, even differing symptoms.
As a child and a teenager, I loved looking different than everybody else in school and was never bothered that I didn't quite fit in style wise.
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The story was quite different for children who depended on school to introduce them to academic topics.
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