Sentences with phrase «quite near humans»

«Most of the fires at this time of the year in this area are human - caused,» Finney said, «and because they are caused by humans, they are, well, quite near humans

Not exact matches

The tendency there has been in Christian thought, from quite near the beginning, to depreciate the true humanity of Jesus and to turn him into a divine being, appearing temporarily in the form of man, fails to do justice to the magnificence, indeed the perfection, of that portrayal of love in the human scene.
Its discovery cast more doubt on the idea that the Clovis people were the first Americans, because stone tools found near the ancient human faeces were quite different from Clovis points.
There's a strange near - lack of value placed on human life that I don't quite know how to process.
The monsters here are quite a bit stronger than the human enemies outside (though nowhere near as destructive as the beasts in the wilderness), so usually after two or three fights I'm forced to back out.
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