Sentences with phrase «quote opening this chapter»

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After one such meeting in June of 1957, the NY Times quoted a top Vatican official, saying the Church had opened «a new chapter» toward the Jewish community.
The high school girl quoted at the opening of this chapter compared her experiences with marijuana and a growth - in - sensitivity group:
I heard repeatedly from readers that the student quotes that open each chapter were very compelling.
Each of the book's five chapters includes stories, quotes, and poems followed by big, beautifully illustrated open spaces to journal.
Discuss the opening quote of this chapter.
This chapter opens with several quotes describing what personalized learning looks like, feels like, and sounds like in the classroom.
Natalie Brown: In addition to using it in chapter headings and opening quotes, I sprinkled a few Latin phrases (all translated) throughout the book.
Each chapter in the new memoir opens with a quote from one of the cards she wrote to Brianna, who was just 4 years old when her mother died.
«It is especially impressive to see the way in which the NIPCC has summarized findings in the beginning sections of the book in a way that will be quick and easy for media to grab quotes from (in fact, I challenge open - minded journalists to do that), while, at the same time, going into details, with many prominent peer - reviewed scientific references, on each of the main topics in the following chapters.
And my opening chapter on the philosophy of «truth» (science) quotes liberally from Stanford's Plato project at the website you linked above.
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