Sentences with phrase «quotes classic films»

Thelonious Bernard is the impish French boy who quotes classic films as sweeps her off her feet.
Also taking a critique of popular culture as her point of departure, Glasgow - based Rachel Maclean's hyper - saturated videos unfold narratives through characters — often played by the artist — that quote classic films such as The Wizard of Oz but also draw from horror movies, talent shows and TV advertising.

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It's a classic quote from the film Casablanca, but can a computer grasp the magic of such memorable lines?
Remember those classic lines quoted from Jackson's book in the original film?
The film that brought such classic lines as «There are only three ages for women in Hollywood: babe, district attorney, and «Driving Miss Daisy»» into moviegoers» top film quotes is getting the greenlight this pilot season.
If that's the kind of film quote that makes you melt rather than reach for the sick bucket, then this classic transatlantic rom - com is perfect for you.
Writer Andrew Bergman, Director Arthur Hiller, Peter Falk and Alan Arkin spend most of the film laughing, snorting and back - slapping as they remember shooting some of the classic scenes, and endlessly quoting the greatest lines themselves.
The antics from the first film are simply classic to me, and the film is something I manage to quote from on a weekly basis amongst friends and when I hear that someone has managed to go all these years without experiencing the film it's something I feel the need to remedy immediately.
3Below will host a variety of entertainment, with revived movies of many kinds — sing - alongs, quote - alongs (in the Rocky Horror Picture Show sense), classics, cartoons and slapstick silent films on weekends.
But while she is overwhelmed by the luxury showered upon her by Henry, she can't help feeling a tad awkward whenever she's around the two - member house staff: Oliver (Matthew Beard), a blind twentysomething with a knack for flower arrangements, and Claire (Carla Gugino), a deferential but ominous woman who suggests a more attractive and polite version of Mrs. Danvers from Hitchcock's «Rebecca» (just one of the several classic films Gutierrez quotes throughout the film).
Abbie Cornish has apparently been quoted in saying that the film's director Jose Padilha thinks its a classic.
That's one of the most famous, most frequently quoted lines from the classic film The Princess Bride — and while it wasn't actually used in reference to resume writing, it might as well have been.
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