Sentences with phrase «quotidian aspects»

Barnette is interested in the consumerism, economics and quotidian aspects of West Coast hip hop culture.
Her subject matter focuses on quotidian aspects of domestic life, taking place in conventional, albeit subtly Nigerian, interiors.
Using the humorous metaphor of a monster taking over the city to address the quotidian aspects of daily life, the scene will not be missed by the commuters from the adjacent Metro Mover or neighborhood residents.
And in those drawings he recorded the quotidian aspects of Mexican American life in the United States: dogs and children, women and sailors, pachucos and pachucas, the architecture of low - lying Central Valley neighborhoods, industrial warehouses and agricultural settings, as well as the glamorous profile of lowrider cars.
The project manifests as an evolving inventory that records quotidian aspects of life in Beirut, some transitory or joyful, others illustrative of how the city's history is sublimated into daily customs.
Working across photography, installation, performance, drawing and zines, SADIE BARNETTE «is interested in consumerism, economics and quotidian aspects of West Coast hip hop culture.»
Shot in 16 mm, Gilles Deroo and Marianne Pistone's first feature studies the quotidian aspects of Mouton's life through his eyes as well as those of the town's residents.
As completely unprecedented and literally out of this world as the experience was, when the crew of Apollo 11 came back to Earth, they still had to handle some of the more quotidian aspects of business travel.

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In other works, the same lightness of hand with paint, color and line, hints at the somber and dejected aspects of the domestic and quotidian - drooping flowers, in a vase or overcome by rain, and the view, from a distance, of the warmly lit interiors of people's homes through window panes.
In this way, the visual aspect of the work gives a sense of the perpetual history of quotidian life, but no indication of a particular moment.»
Adopting an almost anthropological approach, he recombines aspects of the quotidian with his incisive artistic wit, opening up space to challenge the rules of the everyday through his poetic alterations.
She believes in the beauty of the mundane aspects of life - these quotidian moments have a magical, sublime ability to transport us to a particular time and place, emotion or sensation.
She rejected the metaphysics and scale of AbEx painting, replacing this once - dominant form with a loose but measured geometry that exuded an interest in the quotidian, echoing aspects of the structures around her — doors and windows, for example.
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