Sentences with phrase «quoting passages»

And people quoting passages from the Bible won't have the slightest effect on me either.
The bible is a historical record of many things... but quoting passages that represent a great variety of differing views as if each one is some sort of proof of absolute self evident and unquestionable truth not going to convince.
Another, John Gruber, quoted a passage and added a blunt one - word postscript: «Ouch.»
John 12:8 is the most common example: «You always have the poor with you...» Left out of that (mis) interpretation is the fact that Jesus is actually quoting a passage from Jewish Scripture that makes the opposite point: The continual existence of the poor serves as the fundamental reason for God's command to assist them, to give «liberally and ungrudgingly»: «Open your hand to the poor and needy neighbor in your land.»
The quoted passage is taken from the December 30, 2016 Financial Times article titled, «Doubts Dog Banking Sector's Comeback» by Thomas Hale and Dan McCrum.
Quoting a passage from the bible doesn't prove anything.
okay8 ProudAmerican, please quote us the passage directly and explain it for us petty individuals
He sticks his fingers in his ears and quotes this passage of hating one's father and mother.
The author of the review thinks this book sinks under its own weight, for its author makes no secret of his loathing of the whole homosexual community, quoting every passage in the bible that can even remotely be translated against them, often twisting passages to say what they do not mean.
Joseph Bottum quotes the passage in Evangelium Vitae where John Paul II states that the death penalty should be «very rare and practically non-existent.»
This phrase is the reason Paul quotes this passage.
I do not repudiate my parents» work in China - largely in education - in quoting this passage from David Halberstam's The Best and the Brightest:
Webb points to the oft - quoted passage in Leviticus 18 which condemns homosexuality as «an abomination,» and the highly negative references to homosexuality in the Pauline epistles.
You may as well quote passages from Winnie the Pooh.
As in the other quoted passages, he moves from «seems» to «is» without providing explicit reasons for the inference.
why could an atheist quote the passage about Jesus driving the moneychangers out?
Sherburne tends, in his argument against regional inclusion, to quote passages in which Whitehead is making the point that when the region of an actual occasion is divided the subregions correspond to its physical feelings but that these physical feelings are not actual occasions capable of independent existence.
To focus the issue, let us consider why the second alternative in the last - quoted passage, that a God - world relation be internal to the world, is unacceptable.
Alston quotes a passage from Man's Vision of God which he takes to imply that if one rejects any of the propositions of classical theism one must reject them all, since they are «inseparable aspects of one idea.»
Matthew makes explicit the messianic character of the entry, by quoting the passage from Zechariah 9:9.
It is a complete distortion if this often - quoted passage is taken as some sort of vulgar atheism or as a rejection of religion per se, or even as an attack upon religion.
Bishop Paulose says that it would be a complete distortion if this oft - quoted passage from Marx is taken as some sort of vulgar atheism or as a rejection of religion per se or even as an attack upon religion.
After quoting the passage diagnosing Descartes» difficulties (which uses the term subjectivist bias), Rorty adds:
Mohammed's successors, the caliphs, quoted passages like these to inspire Muslim armies as they advanced out of Arabia, imposing Islam by the sword upon a peacefully unsuspecting Middle East and North Africa, as I described in the previous chapter.
Occasionally, it is true, the Stoic rises to something like a Christian warmth of sentiment, as in the often quoted passage of Marcus Aurelius: --
And He obviously could only quote those passages which he had memorized and which he knew.
The quoted passage in Romans does not stand alone.
Francis, reported Ines San Martin, «quoted a passage from the Gospel that says God remembers and loves «even those forgotten by their mothers.»
So to use the oft - quoted passage, «Judge not...»
I have quoted these passages from Whitehead for two reasons: first, because he is the «founding father» of the Process conceptuality; and second, because what he says in them points to God as «pure unbounded Love» and to our own human existence as intended to be a creaturely love (doubtless imperfect and defective because finite and mortal).
When a question is raised which for most people demands careful thought and responsible personal decision, people like that will very often simply quote a passage from the Scriptures, frequently in no way directly relevant to the matter under discussion and when relevant only valuable in the context of another age and under other conditions than those which are ours today.
Not only is it associated, as a previously quoted passage asserts, with the drive to dominate nature which can be traced back to the Hebraic creation myth, but it also reflects the «agonal spirit of the Greeks,» the aim «at the attainment of individual greatness» (UP 236).
Although Hall speaks in the just - quoted passage of «forces that no one understands,» he says elsewhere that the whole of his discussion in The Uncertain Phoenix is «an attempt at cultural self - understanding» (UP 416).
I just quoted the passage.
Continental antiliberals also found his arguments congenial, and a frequently quoted passage from Reflections on the Revolution in France illustrates why this should be so.
The quoted passage, which was written in 1863 in Newman's Philosophical Notebook, seems to indicate that Newman was attracted by the conceptually simple way in which Darwin's theory accounts for the variety of natural phenomena:
In a frequently quoted passage of his Mystagogy he writes,
It is easy to quote passages from the work of both these thinkers to show how much concerned they are over the religious life of the Western world.
I quote some passages at random: --
Interestingly, I notice that you've had ample time to respond to this, but I don't see your thoughts on the quoted passages from Ina May.
Both quoted passages suggested temporary modification of the feeding schedule by adding in a few feedings.
Diaz Sr. quotes a passage from Koch's book about the mayor's decision to close the PRCDP — a decision for which he claimed to have received support from then - Assemblyman Serrano during a visit to Albany for an event known as «County Day.»
Similarly, Gish (1995) quotes a passage from Bromage (1992) stating that 1470's face would have jutted out considerably, like that of an ape, but ignores the next paragraph, which states»... ER 1470 is Homo in many respects and it has a phenomenally large brain for its time».
The running theme of the film is the relationship between the legacy of Persian / Iranian culture — which, as seen in the quoted passages of these poets, was rife with the celebration of wine, women, and the life of the senses — with Iran in 1999.
Notwithstanding the forgoing, for purpose of scholarly use, business people, journalists, and students may quote passages from this book (giving full attribution to the author) without charge and without obtaining proper written permission, so long as the cumulative total of such quotations are less than 50 words in length in any single work, web site, or article.
the right to annotate, quote passages, print, and share eBook content within the spirit of fair use and copyright
In the quoted passage, the bonds are «risky» because you CAN lose money.
The catalogue of the 1963 Bodley Gallery show contains a long essay by the artist, and the following three quoted passages capture many of the concerns described here:
This oft - quoted passage from Lorde's 1988
When announcing the show, you quoted a passage by American poet Mary Oliver: «To live in this world / you must be able / to do three things: / to love what is mortal; / to hold it / against your bones knowing / your own life depends on it; / and, when the time comes to let it go, / to let it go.»
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