Sentences with phrase «rabbit veterinarians do»

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Second, your rabbit's nails will need clipping periodically, which can be done by your veterinarian.
If your rabbit refuses food and water, if their fecal pellets change in number or appearance, or if they do not have a bowel movement for twelve hours, do not give them any more fruit and take them to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Either take your rabbit to your local veterinarian to do this or you can do it yourself by using a pair of sharp nail clippers.
Since veterinary medical schools typically do not cover rabbits as a required species, veterinarians interested in rabbit medicine must learn about rabbits elsewhere, such as by attending conferences and completing continuing education modules, and working with rabbit rescue groups.
Finally, do not assume that because one veterinarian at an animal hospital is experienced with rabbits, all of the associates are, as well.
Always do your research on what you plan to feed to your rabbit and when in doubt, call and ask your local veterinarian.
To ensure that you know what is normal for an individual rabbit (since most veterinarians do not have access to reliable normal values for rabbits) have a «baseline» blood chemistry, complete blood count (CBC), and urinalysis run when the rabbit is young.
This is a condition that doesn't really exist in the opinion of a growing number of veterinarians who care for rabbits.
Although an increasing number of veterinarians promote geriatric exams for older cats and dogs, many are not accustomed to doing the same for rabbits.
Most veterinarians who are really interested in rabbits are excited to have the chance to do bloodwork and urinalyses, because with each result their own knowledge about rabbit medicine increases.
Don't put any human medications that you haven't ok «ed with a veterinarian because their stomachs can be sensitive to even Neosporin, like a rabbits.
I decided to book a spay appointment with another veterinarian, and I didn't tell them that my rabbit has blood in her urine, so they are just charging $ 300.
A rabbit with malocclusion or other tooth alignment abnormality, trauma or genetic defect may need routine tooth trims, but this should be done by a qualified rabbit veterinarian.
If you are not sure about the diet or not sure about your rabbit being a male or female, one of the best things you can do for the long - term health of your rabbit is to visit your veterinarian.
If your rabbit does not have any sensation in his toes (a veterinarian will check this by pinching on the toes to test response) the prognosis for recovery is poor.
When rabbits do not eat well and a veterinarian can palpate a large, doughy mass in the stomach, it is because there is intestinal stasis, not because there is a hairball.
Sometimes, the veterinarian will have to do X-rays of your rabbit's head or look at the teeth under anesthesia to know for certain if your rabbit has bad teeth.
Signs That Something Is Wrong It's time to go to your veterinarian if your rabbit doesn't come running when the pellets, veggies or treats are given, is sitting in a hunched position, is grinding teeth (grinding teeth in a rabbit is a sign of pain), or is just acting a bit off.
I see many rabbit owners in NY, CT, and NJ wait to bring their pets rabbits to the veterinarian until they are sick and don't realize that rabbits should have regular check - ups to detect developing problems early, before they become life - threatening.
This article covers some of the benefits to having the procedure done (if performed at the right time by a rabbit - savvy veterinarian), and it also includes a few notes on what to expect during and after the surgery.
If you do not already have a veterinarian, please refer to the Chicago House Rabbit Society list of Veterinarians in the Chicagoland area.
Always consult with your veterinarian first to make sure the foods are acceptable (for instance, bet you didn't know lettuce can cause diarrhea in rabbits!)
Don't allow a veterinarian with little or no experience with rabbits to spay or neuter your rabbit.
Don't allow a veterinarian with little or no experience with rabbits spay or neuter your rabbit.
As with any medical procedure on your rabbit, do not try this without consulting your rabbit - savvy veterinarian.
Certainly, if a rabbit that normally eats hay abruptly stops doing so, he should be examined by a rabbit - savvy veterinarian as soon as possible to ensure nothing is wrong, such as a dental problem or gastrointestinal upset.
The best way to do this is by taking your rabbit to a veterinarian who regularly treats rabbits.
Rabbits in general do not tolerate pain well, but it has been found that veterinarians do not prescribe pain medications for rabbits as often as they do for cats anRabbits in general do not tolerate pain well, but it has been found that veterinarians do not prescribe pain medications for rabbits as often as they do for cats anrabbits as often as they do for cats and dogs.
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