Sentences with phrase «racial conflict»

One - quarter of public - school parents reported problems with racial conflict, compared with 12 percent of choice parents.
Its interracial composition provides a made - to - order setting for stories about racial conflict and change.
Violence, injustice, explosive racial conflict, gender inequality, economic and political instability?
The murders of these innocent black men stands as one of the most despicable incidents in the long, ugly history of racial conflict in America.
As FBI director James Comey said in his February 12 speech, we can ignore the realities of racial conflict in our society, or «we can choose to have an open and honest discussion about [what] our relationship [could be] if we took time to better understand one another.»
Perhaps it was Schaefer's public dispute with the city's first black superintendent, which became an intensely racial conflict between community activists and the mostly white school board, that sensitized him to the political costs of becoming too deeply engaged in school affairs.
Such a change would also allow selective colleges to phase out racial preferences in admission, which have long been a flashpoint for racial conflict.
... During the entire time with Rufus [Jones], issues of racial conflict never arose, for the fact of racial differences was never dealt with at the conscience level.
This approach tends to dissolve racial distinctions through the growth of dispassionate understanding and serves to diminish racial conflict through appeal to what is universal.
They don't understand that most people don't want a theocracy and that religious segregating only causes racial conflicts and tribalism.
Alinsky's idea was that community organization was the instrument for overcoming racial conflict.
Adjacent narratives about the senseless violence of Boko Haram (the world's most deadly terrorist organization), are accounts of the United States» role in birthing Al Shabaab in Somalia as well as stories from the «powder keg» of impending racial conflict in South Africa.
Racial conflicts among the film's living characters end up costing them valuable time and resources; against the backdrop of attacking zombies, the racial tension of the late 1960s seems positively ludicrous.
«Our research also illustrates how racial conflict can have wide - ranging effects that resonate across generations in ways that today's voters might not easily or directly recognize.»
Based on Hillary Jordan's 2008 novel, Dee Rees» «Mudbound» addresses racial conflict in World War II - era Mississippi and speaks to viewers with its bold visual language.
School desegregation provoked racial conflict in Birmingham, Montgomery, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Detroit, New York City, and other cities across the country, often for years at a time.
Educators said learning about Reconstruction can help children understand the current racial conflicts in this country.
By contrast, Walker and Marcopoulos's massive reproduction of the mountain stresses the size of the related historical issues, as well as the scale of racial conflict still evident in American society today.
Planned well before the US's high profile racial conflicts of 2014, Lawrence's series is topical 73 years on.
This begins to read as an episode of an ongoing racial conflict (another work on display, Vegans Send Newly Acquired Moundmeat to the Tofu Converter, 2004, reveals the creatures» sacred pabulum to be made out of their darker rivals), but the story devolves with a gorgeously absurd narrative absentmindedness.
But I do think that dealing with black and white in America and with racial conflicts is something that I have to contribute to the western genre.
Closely intertwined with the threat of repression is the issue of racial conflict.
His imaginary heroes — the «Baseball sluggers» — are figures embodied of symbols that reflect the cultural and racial conflict in the modern Western Society, and his confusion between the concepts of race and culture in America.
Recently, due to all of the racial conflict in our country, I've seen a lot of conversations on social media about the situation.
We've been told again and again that the answer to racial conflict and gender inequity is more education; more celebration of different cultures, races, and lifestyles; and more sensitivity.
Dating agencies do not differ the racial conflicts.
As an allegory of racial conflict and mass immigration, District 9 never really goes anywhere: The appealing premise fades into the background before 20 minutes have elapsed.
Like her previous films, it gave specific focus to cultural displacement and racial conflict, themes that would be further explored in J'ai Pas Sommeil (I Can't Sleep, 1994).
The attempt seems to be to update the Western genre by respecting the traditions while emphasizing, in a modern way, the hardships and the racial conflicts.
-- On the other hand however, we saw great accomplishments in education, the development of the mind, and a deep desire for peace, made poignant by two world wars and many cultural religious and racial conflicts.
The study's findings will help explicate the tensions that arise for countries with entrenched histories of racial conflict, as they navigate post - / neo-colonial relations, re-invent their educational missions in response to new mandates, and carve out their place in an increasingly competitive, globalized marketplace for higher education.
Because the racial conflicts I was writing about were both widespread and particular to a specific time and place, I felt a profound need to get the story «right.»
The result, eventually, was A Strange and Bitter Fruit, a novel in which Barry faced down the deep legacy of racial conflict and violence that shadowed the world he grew up in.
It also helps establish the aesthetics which would set Phantasy Star apart from other RPG series and make it SEGA's longest running franchise, period: a gameworld featuring multiple, distinct planets; epic character - driven sagas grounded with a sly sense of anime humor; a preoccupation with genetically modified races and the racial conflict that emerges between those races; and a mesh of high technology and swords - and - sorcery.
Several years of studies and teachings in France and Egypt following the war gave him an outside perspective and critical edge on the racial conflicts in the United States.
Stan Douglas (b. 1960) is acutely aware of the psyche, and his video works focus on issues such as social alienation, social status, and racial conflicts.
In this way, the artist activates the past in order to confront the reality of racial conflict and violence that still persists in the United States today.
«Graphic themes of strikes, police brutality, racial conflict, and capitalist excess dominated the imagery.
Nina Chanel Abney's (b. 1982, Chicago) pieces address pop culture and racial conflicts, informed as much by hip - hop culture, animated cartoons, as by celebrity websites and tabloid magazines.
Addressing pop culture and racial conflicts, Nina Chanel Abney paints scenes rooted in autobiography, current events, and traditional storytelling.
Subjects of Sauls works are racial conflicts and social discrepancies between poverty and wealth and to this day Saul's painting deals with contemporary American issues
Curated during a time of rampant inequality, racial conflict, and general social unrest in America, the 78th Whitney Biennial offers a profound reflection on social and political issues prevalent in our society right now.
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