Sentences with phrase «racial differences»

This article analyzes the use of racial differences in loan default to test for mortgage lending discrimination — an approach whose underlying theory has not been carefully explored.
However, the socioeconomic and racial differences between families are coming to a head in the classroom as demographics of the schools begin to change along with the neighborhoods.
Researchers say the same phenomenon occurs with adopted children as well, particularly in overseas adoptions where parents must discuss the adoption to explain racial differences.
In the projects I have observed, racial differences do not cause much tension.
But at what age should we begin to help them form a foundation for understanding racial difference?
There is almost always a division between factions, often based on racial differences at war for global domination or revenge.
Nevertheless, public policies that reduce differences in skills between blacks and whites before they enter the workforce could substantially reduce racial differences in labor - market outcomes.
So while racial residential segregation has been decreasing over the past few decades, it still remains high, and very little of it can be explained by racial differences in income levels.
These points capture just some of the many facts indicative of the vast racial differences within the American school system.
My attitude toward racial differences was shaped by relations with Japanese.
Quick — If you had to guess, when do you think our children first begin to notice racial differences?
Putting aside racial differences, the report illustrates some of the barriers that affect all types of women in science.
Large racial differences in survival exist for in - hospital cardiac arrest.
You should be willing to grow together and not letting racial differences draw you apart.
The disparate impact guidance prompted districts to review the justification for policies that produced sharp racial differences.
Instead, whites and people of color have to work intentionally to create more equal and respectful relationships and to honestly confront racial differences.
Yeah, you know, there's a question here about differences, and I think it goes well beyond racial differences.
Besides the normal gender, religious, ethnic and racial differences typically found in most groups, there's also a wide range of writing styles and genre preferences.
The study calls for more data looking at outstanding student loan debt by race and claims that focusing on undergraduate borrowing alone only reveals part of the picture of possible racial differences.
Sometimes it's good that there's not a strong recognition of racial difference.
Even geographical distinctions and racial difference does not matter if you like someone.
The effects of sample selection bias on racial differences in child abuse reporting.
The two types of blood vessels are sufficiently different, Ram says, for racial differences found in one not to be automatically present in the other.
Judd Apatow («The 40 - Year - Old Virgin» and «Knocked Up») is back with «The Big Sick», a true tale about a couple dealing with racial differences and illness.
Some experts, such as physician Richard Cooper of Loyola University in Chicago, say such research casts no light on medically relevant racial differences because the DNA markers, while differing between ethnic groups, are not directly linked with diseases.
A vital issue for future research is whether racial differences in commitment are moderated by congregation size, Martinez said.
More to the point, the RAND report did not even attempt to analyze racial differences in the way resources affect achievement, even though the NAEP data would have permitted such an analysis.
Begin developing the tools to have crucial conversations about race across racial difference
If you're still skeptical, consider this: In 2007, two researchers tried to gauge racial differences on capital punishment and assess how blacks and whites responded to arguments against the practice.
But as an Asian artist working and living in Europe, I was conscious of racial difference as time went by.
Thus, specific practice decisions emanating from these assumptions (e.g. not providing sufficient agency supports to Hispanic families) could potentially further racial differences in how children are served in the child welfare system.
You might even find that the mutual curiosity you have in each other's racial differences brings an interesting dynamic to the relationship and could make you both more aware, not just of each other, but of your own identity too.
It makes sense that the feeblely ignorant would be the ones that believe in the mythical racial differences in fitness.
Did they believe in inborn racial differences in intelligence, and was the white majority or the black minority most to blame for the plight of blacks in America?
Published early online in CANCER, a peer - reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, the study also revealed significant racial differences in the risk of dying from cervical cancer.
More recent studies have found that the prescription to ignore racial differences tends to increase prejudicial behavior in both verbal and nonverbal ways by white students and, perhaps because of this, to cognitively exhaust students of color.
Traces of how human beings had fanned out across the planet, acquiring superficial racial differences along the way, are written in our DNA and especially in the Y chromosome.

Phrases with «racial differences»

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