Sentences with phrase «racial distribution»

In the 2000 the map of the world according to racial distribution of population to land remains more or less the same as in 1900.
More advanced kidney disease also had a more even racial distribution, according to the new data.
Is 2000 not the map of the world according to racial distribution of population to land roughly the same as in 1900?
According to a recent report by City Council member Brad Lander, 81.6 percent of white or black New Yorkers would need to move to a new neighborhood to create a more equal racial distribution in the city.
The RAND authors, with the benefit of student - level data, follow students who move from traditional public schools into charter schools and conclude that these transfers have «surprisingly little effect on racial distributions across the sites.»
However, to draw such a strong conclusion, despite the explicit RAND conclusion that charter students moved into schools with «racial distributions similar to the TPSs from which they came,» the CRP authors ignored the magnitudes of the changes in black enrollment.
A SYSTEM DIVIDED: This is the third article in a series examining the changing racial distribution of students in New York City's public schools and its impact on their opportunities and achievements.
When we examine racial distribution macroscopically, we note an increasing spatial homogenization by race, although in the United States and to some extent in Brazil this regional dispersion was accompanied by local concentration by race in urban working - class slums.
The standard measure looks at the racial distribution of schools compared with the racial composition of a larger geographic area, e.g., a whole state.
And transfers had surprisingly little effect on racial distributions across the sites: Typically, students transferring to charter schools moved to schools with racial distributions similar to those of the TPSs from which they came.
The racial distributions varied dramatically among schools.
For example, the DESSA's gender and racial distribution, as well as the geographic regions represented by the students, correlate to data on U.S. demographics.
Focusing exclusively on living artists, we averaged out the artists, looking for the gender breakdown (men and women), and racial distribution (how many artists of both genders were non-white).
The racial distribution of children varies by type of adoption, with children adopted from foster care most likely to be black (35 percent) and those adopted internationally least likely to be black (3 percent).
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