Sentences with phrase «racial diversity into»

Research suggests that residencies bring greater gender and racial diversity into the teaching workforce.
Bricolage is part of a new wave of charter schools looking to bake economic and racial diversity into their very DNA.

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For the purposes of this proposal, «sustainability» is defined as how environmental and social considerations, and related financial impacts, are integrated into long - term corporate strategy, and «diversity» refers to gender, racial, and ethnic diversity.
The diversity among the Asian communities is impressive and is sub-divided into racial characteristic, cultural, and ethnic traits that are far removed (but as rich) from the Western world.
An African American director casting one of the greatest African American movie stars as a «classic» western hero, just as President Obama prepares to ride off into the sunset (while mainstream cinema struggles to catch up with the racial diversity of the US) is a recipe for bold imagery.
«What's happening now, all over the country, is an increasing racial, linguistic, and religious diversity» as high numbers of immigrant families settle into small rural communities.
To investigate the public's views about race - and income - based enrollment programs, we asked Americans one of two variations of the following question: «In order to promote diversity, should public school districts be allowed to take the racial background [family income] of students into account when assigning students to schools?»
In a recently published article «Public School Choice and Racial Sorting: An Examination of Charter Schools in Indianapolis» I look at this issue by examining how racial diversity changes for students who switch into a charter school from the traditional public school system in Indianapolis, InRacial Sorting: An Examination of Charter Schools in Indianapolis» I look at this issue by examining how racial diversity changes for students who switch into a charter school from the traditional public school system in Indianapolis, Inracial diversity changes for students who switch into a charter school from the traditional public school system in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The new law calls for replicating magnet school programs that demonstrate «success in increasing student academic achievement and reducing isolation of minority groups» and «increase racial integration by taking into account socioeconomic diversity
The third co-op, the Brata Gallery, brought some racial and ethnic diversity into the 10th Street picture.
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