Sentences with phrase «racial harmony as»

Because the country is so ethnically diverse, it enjoys racial harmony as well as religious tolerance and has developed a reputation for being welcoming and friendly to travelers.
In place of academic achievement, progressives offer self - esteem and racial harmony as the principal prizes, though there are others, especially for the bloated education establishment itself.

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The romantic element was the belief that even as segregation reinforced itself by fortifying racial resentment, ignorance, and antagonism, integration would promote racial tolerance and harmony, evolving steadily from a government policy into a natural inclination.
We see as much on our tony college campuses and other bastions of progressivism where the cultural engineering promises racial harmony and the erasure of any male - female difference through speech codes, indoctrination, and 24/7 intimidation of dissent.
These cookies came into the public eye on a Seinfeld episode where he was eating a Black & White and said,» Look to the cookie,» as a metaphor for racial harmony.
Researchers in Italy are reporting that subtle racial bias can interfere with this process — a finding with important implications for health care as well as social harmony.
In that episode, Jerry used the black and white as a metaphor for racial harmony.
As a Muslim himself, Azam reminds his Islamic students that their religion is about racial harmony, social harmony, learning about other ideas and cultures and learning about other faiths.
English: Students celebrate an internationally recognised human rights day such as International Human Rights Day on 10 December or International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Harmony Day) on 21 March or International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (White Ribbon Day) on 25 November.
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